San Diego,  CA 
United States
  • Booth: N2148

Standing Together. Stronger Together.


The Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals impacted by LGS through advancing research, awareness, education, and family support. Our vision is to end the suffering and devastation caused by LGS.

LGS is a severe epilepsy syndrome that develops in young children. Nobody is born with LGS, it develops over time. Worldwide, approximately 1 million children and adults have LGS.

There is no cure for LGS. We must change this!

In our efforts to advance research to find cures, we:

  • Accept applications for research grants year-round through our Cure LGS 365 Research Grants Program
  • Bring together hundreds of researchers and family members every other year for a multi-day Meeting of the Minds conference focused on finding LGS disease-modifying therapies

The quickest way to a cure for a rare disease such as LGS is through global collaboration. We hope you’ll join us to drive scientific breakthroughs!

Learn more about LGS and the LGS Foundation on our website.

The Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome (LGS) Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of individuals impacted by LGS through advancing research, awareness, education, and family support. Our vision is to end the suffering and devastation caused by LGS. Learn more about LGS and the LGS Foundation on our website at www.lgsfoundation.org!