Scientific Exhibits are opportunities for your company’s scientists to share information about the current state of your company’s research by presenting a series of posters in a half-day or full-day session. Scientific Exhibits differ from traditional poster presentations in that a far broader range of material can be presented as a collection of topics (i.e. results of various clinical trials), or a thematic presentation of one aspect of drug development (i.e. all preclinical material). Presentation of a range of data will enhance viewer understanding of the evolution of drug and device development.
A limited number of slots are available by application only. Application process opens late spring.APPLY NOW
General Guidelines
- Scientific Exhibits are separate from commercial exhibits. Scientific Exhibits may not be discussed, referred to, or promoted in the exhibit hall or in your commercial booth.
- Scientific Exhibits are staffed exclusively by scientists and investigators. AES encourages staffing by investigators who participated in the studies reported at the exhibit, in addition to industry scientists.
- Your commercial and marketing staff may not participate in Scientific Exhibits and may not be present in the exhibit room during display times.
- Exhibits must be scientific and/or educational and conservative in appearance (i.e. informational, not promotional).
- No promotion can be conducted in the scientific exhibit area. No commercial materials may be distributed.
- Copies of the scientific information may be provided to scientific exhibit attendees (i.e. copies of posters).
- Language used in the exhibit should not suggest that compounds are proven safe and effective for any indications that are still investigational.
- The content of the exhibit should reflect the current state of research on the compound, including an overview of previous studies leading to current work.
Generating an Audience for Your Exhibit
As a scientific exhibitor, you are responsible for generating your own audience for your exhibit. Review the AES exhibitor prospectus for advertising and door drop opportunities for purchase. Scientific exhibitors must comply with all AES guidelines regarding on-site signage or other promotion of your scientific exhibit, which will be provided in the letter of agreement to be signed upon approval of your application. In addition, you must comply with all guidelines and requirements relating to the use of the AES name or event in your advertising.
AES will provide the following support for Scientific Exhibits:
- Exhibit titles, companies, and specific times and locations will be published in the print program book, on the AES website, and in the AES mobile app
- Complimentary one-time use of the pre-event registrant list (postal addresses only; no email addresses) to mail an AES-approved item at the exhibitor’s expense
- The post-event registrant list (postal addresses only; no email addresses) will be provided to scientific exhibitors to mail an AES-approved item at the exhibitor’s expense
Application Process and Deadlines
- Applications must be submitted no later then Tuesday, July 1, 2025
- Submission of your signed application means that your company is committing to a scientific exhibit if your application is accepted, and agrees to the AES cancellation policy.
- The Scientific Exhibit review process is designed to ensure that approved exhibits meet the learning needs of AES members. Content must be based on the highest level of available evidence at the time of the exhibit.
- Letters of agreement will be provided to companies whose scientific exhibit have been approved. Your letter of agreement will reflect AES compliance with the Council on Medical Specialty Societies’ Code of Conduct with Companies, and will include specific guidance on signage, promotional materials, and other rules governing your exhibit.
- You will be invoiced for your scientific exhibit at the same time that your letter of agreement is sent to you.
- Prompt payment of your is expected. Failure to remit payment by the deadline will result in a forfeiture of your exhibit and guaranteed space.
Scientific Exhibit Times at AES 2025
Scientific Exhibits can be held during the following times:
Sunday, December 7
- 8:00 - 11:00 AM
- 2:00 - 5:00 PM
- 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Monday, December 8
- 8:00 - 11:00 AM
- 2:00 - 5:00 PM
- 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Scientific Exhibit Room Set Up and Fees
Your cost will be dependent on the size of the room and the duration of time you are assigned. AES offers two room sizes for 2024. Please review the information below for what is available and included:
Medium room: Ten (10) 4 feet x 8 feet double-sided exhibit poster boards (usable space for posters is 44 7/8 inches high X 90 7/8 inches across), two (2) six-foot, skirted tables, four (4) chairs, one (1) sign easel outside the room.
- Three (3) hours: $7,000
- All day: $15,000
Large room: Twenty (20) 4 feet x 8 feet double-sided exhibit poster boards(usable space for posters is 44 7/8 inches high X 90 7/8 inches across), four (4) six-foot, skirted tables, eight (8) chairs, one (1) sign easel outside the room.
- Three (3) hours: $10,000
- All day: $22,500