Office rentals in the exhibit hall are available for private meetings during and beyond the hours when the exhibit hall is open. Located in the back corner of the exhibit hall, offices are 200 square feet (10’ x 20’) (or larger) with hard walls, carpeting, a 6’ draped table with two (2) chairs, and more. Offices can be used during specified hours meetings before and after exhibit hall hours. 


10’ X 20’ (200 square feet)

  • All three days: $6500
  • Any two days: $5500

Add-on: 20' graphic advertisement on one side of the office. Contact Angel Law for details.



  • Saturday, December 6 .......... 12:00 – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday, December 7............ 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Monday, December 8 ........... 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM


  • Saturday, December 6. .......... 5:00 – 7:00 PM
  • Sunday, December 7............. 7:00 – 10:00 AM
  • Sunday, December 7.............. 4:00 – 7:00 PM
  • Monday, December 8 ............ 8:00 – 10:00 AM

Exhibit Hall hours may be subject to change.

Exhibitors will be given a pass to give to attendees to access the hall for meetings before and after exhibit hall hours.

What's Included

  • Hard wall office inside the exhibit hall
  • Carpeting
  • 6’ draped registration table with two chairs
  • 22”x28” sign with easel displaying three-day office schedule (company name only)

Each company is responsible for any other costs associated with participation, including but not limited to, audiovisual, food and beverage, additional lighting, furnishings, drayage, labor, and any other fees.

Orders can be placed using the exhibitor services manual, which will be available by mid-August.

Rules and Regulations

  • Any activities outside of AES attendee and company internal meetings must be approved by Angel Law
  • Offices may not be used for attendee education purposes. AES offers product theaters, satellite education, and other options for education sponsored by exhibitors. Please see our 2025 sponsorship and advertising opportunities to start planning
  • All individuals in the office space must be badged AES Annual Meeting attendees, or have a valid guest pass
  • Any audio recording, video recording, or photography in the office space must be pre-approved by Angel Law and must adhere to AES Audio and Audiovisual Policies in the exhibit hall, which can be found in the exhibitor service manual (available by mid-August)
  • Priority office selection is given to exhibitors reserving all three days

Please note the cancellation policy:

  • If AES has not entered into fulfillment contracts or incurred fulfillment costs at the time of your cancellation, AES will retain:
    • 25% of the office fee if written notice of cancellation is received on or before Wednesday, September 3, 2025
    • 50% of the office fee if written notice of cancellation is received between Thursday, September 4, 2025, and Wednesday, September 24, 2025
    • 100% of the office fee if written notice of cancellation is received on or after Thursday, September 25, 2025. 
    • No refunds will be granted for cancellations on or after Thursday, September 26, 2025
  • Cancellations must be received in writing to Angel Law
  • If your office is unpaid at the time of cancellation, you will still owe AES the amount reflected in your signed reservation form, less the refundable amount per this policy.
  • If you order an office on or after September 25, full payment will be due even if you later cancel your office