2022 Ads and Sponsorships

Get your message in front of AES members in multiple ways while in Nashville this December—from the airport to the 100 square foot media wall, to sleeping room door drops, to the program book that every attendee receives. And much more! You can also attach your brand to the attendee lounge, the frequently visited coat check, strategically located hand sanitizers, cell phone charging stations, and coffee breaks — or one of many other sponsorship opportunities.

Career Fair Sponsorship

Do you have neurology-related jobs to fill at your hospital, private practice, university, or company? AES brings top talent at all career stages to our Annual Meeting. Participating in our onsite career fair is a way to introduce your organization to attendees and job seekers. This event will be heavily promoted by AES in print and in digital communications. Contact jim.cook@communitybrands.com for more information.

Year-round Advertising in Epilepsy Currents

Don't limit your message just to December! With an impact factor of 7.5, Epilepsy Currents is one of the top-rated epilepsy journals in the world. 6 issues a year are sent out to the full AES membership of over 4500 epilepsy professionals. Reinforce your annual meeting message or maintain brand awareness throughout the year. Contact Sajeevi Henry at Sajeevi.henry@sagepub.com for more information.