SLACK Books is now a part of the Taylor & Francis Group!

Beginning June 1st, 2024, all SLACK Books titles will be published under the Taylor & Francis imprints Routledge and CRC Press, and available for purchase or for adoption consideration through

We’re excited to carry on a legacy of high-quality publishing across a broad spectrum of medicine and healthcare professions. Look to Taylor & Francis to continue to meet your needs for textbooks, reference, and continuing education materials, whether you’re a student, instructor, or healthcare practitioner.

Related Subjects: Occupational Therapy | Physiotherapy and Sports Medicine | Ophthalmology | Gastroenterology

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Taylor & Francis

Taylor & Francis Group, an Informa company, publishes books for all levels of academic and professional development, across a wide range of subjects and disciples. Our work as a leading publisher champions the knowledge-maker: serving, connecting, and sustaining communities of scholars, instructors, and professionals. Our goal is to ensure their knowledge and expertise makes the fullest possible impact. The Taylor & Francis Group is made up of Routledge and CRC Press imprints where together we foster human progress through knowledge.