The Standard in Carbonaceous Aerosol Particulate Analysis Instrumentations

The Standard in Carbonaceous Aerosol Particulate Analysis Instrumentation

Why Sunset Laboratory

Sunset Laboratory Inc. is a pioneer in the field of organic carbon and elemental carbon (OC-EC) aerosol analysis and was founded in 1982 by Bob Cary.

Our instruments are used by federal and state government, academic researchers, and private sector industries including: aviation, mining, marine, astronomy, construction, and weather research. Our equipment is suitable for the laboratory or in the field, and ready for use with NIOSH method 5040, IMPROVE, and EUSAAR 2 protocols.

Along with the classic Sunset OC-EC instrumentation for discreet filter measurements, Sunset Labs also provides a semi-continuous OC-EC analyzer for near real-time, in-situ measurement of carbon aerosol.

Our scientists provide expert analysis for OC-EC samples collected on quartz-fiber or glass-fiber filters.

Our unrivaled customer support includes equipment installation, maintenance, and quality assurance.

Our Products and Services

Lab OC-EC Aerosol Analyzer

The Lab OC-EC Aerosol Analyzer is the industry standard for environmental and workplace monitoring. READ MORE

Model-4 Semi-Continuous OC-EC Field Analyzer

The Model-4 Semi-Continuous OC-EC Field Analyzer features the latest advances in electronic and optical technology, and is rack mountable. READ MORE


The Autoloader enables the full automation of the repetitive OCEC analysis procedures, resulting in valuable time savings and increased human resources efficiency. READ MORE

Performance Evaluation Samples

Sunset Lab Performance Evaluation Samples (PES) are quartz filters with carbonaceous aerosol deposits prepared under controlled laboratory conditions with analytical grade materials and methods. READ MORE


Our Parallel-plate Carbon Filter Denuders remove semi-volatile organic carbon vapors. Without Denuders, absorption artifacts will be present on a... READ MORE

Expert Analysis of Carbon Particulate Samples

Our scientists analyze your OCEC samples from an extensive array of sources and for a... READ MORE

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    News & Events

    2023 European Aerosol Conference

    We welcome you to join us for the 2023 European Aerosol Conference in beautiful Malaga, Spain.  The conference will be held between September 2-8, 2023. Come visit us at our booth for discussing all...

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