Delivering on Your EHS, Sustainability & ESG Reporting Needs With One Unified Digital Platform​

For over two decades, our intuitive applications have enabled cross-functional performance excellence.​
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Supply Chain Risk
& Adv Tech
Equipment & Op Risk
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Explore our Solutions

A Platform Designed to Enable Success

Best Al in EHS
Best Al in EHS

Empower data collection, user guidance, and risk & safety insights.

Real time data EHS sottware
Real time data

Reveal data-driven insights to drive change and executive engagement.

Mobile App
4.5 star rating

Join our 300,000+ monthly users and tap into your full solution suite from anywhere!

Proven, flexible, and powerful. Ready to deploy in 3 months or less.

Organically built by, with, and for functional leaders like you.
Whirlpool Logo

"The Benchmark Team is really unique. I feel very heard. You are really listening to us and actually coming back with solutions"

Blue Transparent General Electric Company Logo

Sandra Neale

Global EHS Leader

"Costs for Benchmark Gensuite have been in full alignment with our expectations... There have been no hidden costs or surprises with budgets/forecasts."

John Novotny

Director, Global Environment & Sustainability

"ESG considerations enhance our company by reducing investor risk and enhancing value. It creates a greater level of resilience and output so we can outperform our competitors."

Herman Baker

Global EHS & Sustainability Director

What Makes Us Unique

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Unified Platform​
and IT Integrations​
Realize superior user experience with a seamlessly unified platform for all your solutions.
MicrosoftTeams-image (54)
and Flexible​
Benefit from a version-less platform, pre-built with powerful configurations and ready to launch in 3 months or less.​
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Collaborative Innovation​
and Workgroups​
Be a part of product advancements and rapid innovation through our subscriber collaboration forums and workgroups.​

Serving a Global Community of EHS and ESG Leaders

of the Fortune 500
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industry sectors
users around the world
0 M+
languages for 150 countries
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years of proven success
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With over 25 years of collaborative innovation and partnership with our subscribers, our story continues to unfold.

Benchmark Gensuite is a Certified and Accredited Partner and Service Provider of These Global Frameworks and Standard Organizations

Get started with Benchmark Gensuite.

Let us show you how we're transforming operations, workflows, and programs for millions of users— just like you— across the globe.​