1. Click here or copy + paste this URL in your browser: https://s36.a2zinc.net/clients/asla/asla2019/public/e_Login.aspx
  2. Log in using your Password (sent in your welcome email)
You can quickly preview any updates you make to your Online Booth profile by clicking on the computer screen icon beside your booth number in the Exhibitor Console.

To update your online booth profile:

  1. Log in using the password found in your welcome email.
  2. Navigate to the "Exhibitor Console" and then select "Edit Booth Info".
  3. Fill in your company contact information.
  4. Scroll to the section where you are asked for "Website Url" and enter the company web address that you would like attendees to visit for more information about your company.
  5. Select the categories for your products and services.
  6. Click on the "Save" button.
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