

David Lerner Associates regularly holds free investment seminars throughout the tri-state New York area and in Florida. Sign up to be notified of our next seminar in your area.


David Lerner Associates maintains the highest standards when it comes to the people we employ. Each Investment Counselor is licensed, is subject to an extensive background check, and receives comprehensive training.

Personalized Services

At David Lerner Associates, we believe the best way to help you achieve your financial goals is to meet with you face-to-face either in your home or one of our five offices. The appointment is free, the advice could be priceless.

Recent Articles

Catherine Guerrieri

Navigating Retirement as an Older American

Retirement marks a significant milestone in life, offering opportunities for rest, relaxation, and pursuing passions. However, navigating retirement as an older American requires careful planning and consideration to ensure fulfilling golden years. This article explores essential tips and strategies for older Americans to maximize their retirement...

Spirit of America Investment Fund

A family of mutual funds designed specifically to complement the portfolios of David Lerner Associates’ clients.

Started in 1998 with the Real Estate Income and Growth Fund, the family has since grown to six funds.


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