StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Recovery Kit

StellaLife Pre+Post+Probiotics Kit

StellaLife® DentaMedica™ Program

StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Peppermint Gel

StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Spearmint Rinse

StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Peppermint Rinse

StellaLife VEGA Oral Care Coconut Rinse

Doctors recommend StellaLife®

Dr. Thomas L. Graf

Dr. Thomas L. Graf

"In my opinion, the best mouth rinse on the market, especially for anything that has to do with soft tissues and so I would encourage everyone to give this product...

Dr. Teresa Scott

Dr. Teresa Scott

"The Oral Care recovery kit has all three products - a gel, the spray, and the rinse, It's amazing. The recovery for our patients is so much better since we started...

Dr. John Ferrin

Dr. John Ferrin

"Because of StellaLife, our patients are healing faster and prescribe significantly less narcotic pain medication"-- Dr. John Ferrin

Patients Love StellaLife®

Holly's Story

Holly's Story

Both daughters used StellaLife (Wisdom Teeth & Gum Graft). Great results. Recovery was wonderful. I am a fan!

Grace's Story

Grace's Story

Healed 2-3 days after my wisdom teeth extractions. No opioids. Thank you so much

Immediate Relief

Immediate Relief

StellaLife provided relief for my braces