Brooke Adamson
VP, Tourism and Destination Advisory
Emily Anderson
Event Coordinator, Department of Event & Venue Management
Kennesaw State University
Peter Anderson
Revenue Manager
Visit Seattle


Dacquiri Baptiste
Vice President &COO
Orpheum Theatre Group
R.V. Baugus
Retired IAVM Editor
Rob Bean
Director of Events & Venues
Berkeley Event Services | Student Union | University of California, Berkeley
Ms Sara Beatty CVP
Director of Theater Operations
Kauffman Center for the Performing Arts
Tom Bedard
Meteorologist, Senior Emergency Operations Center Manager
Chris Bergstrom
Technical Services Manager
Portland'5 Centers for the Arts
Mike Berkery
Vice President/Chief Operating Officer
Indiana State Fairgrounds
Mr. Graeme Bice
Vice President of Venue Operations
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra - Hilbert Circle Theatre
Mr. Chris Bigelow CFSP, FCSI
Bigelow Consulting
Becky Bixby CEM
Interim General Manager
Huntington Place
Mr. Jason Blackwell CVE, CFM
General Manager
Paramount Theatre
Bill Bourne
Associate Principal, Senior Architect
Mr. Corey Brandt
District General Manager
OVG Hospitality
Mr. Trampas Brown CVP
Manager, Guest Experience & Operations
City of Medicine Hat
Gena Buhler
Principal, Head of Strategy & Operations
Theatre Projects
Hannah Burn
State & Local Government Strategy Director


Mark Camillo
Senior Policy Advisor
Steve Camp CVE
Retired Venue Manager
Jim Campbell
Contracts and Booking Manager - Tour Planning, Arena Shows
Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group
David Causton
Retired Member
Lisa Chan
Sales Manager
Oregon Convention Center
Geoff Cheong
Senior Principal, Senior Architect
Amber Clayton SHRM-SCP
Senior Director of Knowledge Center Operations
Society for Human Resource Management
Jodi Cobalt CVE
General Manager
The Shalleck Collaborative
Eric Cole
Chief Operating Officer
Family Entertainment Live
Ms Kimberly Corbett Oates ASTC
Schuler Shook
Scott Crossfield ASTC
Theatre Projects
Cameron Curtis LEED AP
Executive Vice President
Legends Project Development


Mr. David Daly, CVP
Director of Arts and Culture
Momentus Technologies
Mr. Jeff Davis CVE CMP
Executive Director
UTA Special Event Facilities
Ken Deans
KD Production Services, LLC
Douglas DeLancey (CPP, PMP)
Branch Chief
Office for Bombing Prevention, Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Kieran Dhaliwal
Customer Success Manager
Celayix Software
Ms Nancy Drapeau PRC
Vice President of Research
Center for Exhibition Industry Research
Emily Drew
Assistant Director Affinity Programs and Cause Marketing
Behind the Scenes Foundation
Dr. Josh Durkee
Professor, University Meteorologist, Director of the Disaster Science Operations Center
Western Kentucky University, Doppler Emergency Operations Consultants
Joe Dyer
Senior Associate


Kelsey Eaton
Revenue Manager
Mr. Lee Esckilsen Certified Venue Executive (CVE)
Chair and Associate Professor
Johnson & Wales University


Andrew Farwell
Vice President
Outback Presents
Marisa Flynn
Vice President, Business Development
Oak View Group
Jeffrey Friedman
Building Intelligence Inc
Kirk Funkhouser AIA


Timothy Gaburungyi
Senior Vice President & CIO
Jacob K Javits Convention Center
Erin Gaston
Director, Guest Experience
Kroenke Sports & Entertainment
Mr. Michael Gatto
Senior Vice President/ Genereal Manager -- Nationwide Arena/ Columbus Arena Sports & Entertainment
Columbus Arena Sports & Entertainment (Nationwide Arena/Schottenstien Center)
Mr. Pierre Germain
Constellation Director
Meyer Sound
David Gibson
Assistant Technical Manager
Charles W. Eisemann Center for Performing Arts & Corporate Presentations
Bobby Goldwater CVE
Georgetown University Sports Industry Management Program/The Goldwater Group
Samantha Gutting
Chief Sales Officer/SVP


Mr. Jack Hagler FASTC
Schuler Shook
Kimberly Hardcastle-Geddes
President & Chief Marketing Strategist
mdg, A Freeman Company
Mark Heiser CVE
Venue Director
Arts and Venues Denver
Brendan Heitz
Assistant Director of Operations
Lawrence Henley
Director of Alumni Affairs, Parent Relations and Community Initiatives
UNLV College of Fine Arts
Dee Ann Hirsch
Assistant General Manager
Fair Park Dallas
Ken Holsinger
Senior Vice President, Strategy
Barbara "Mother" "Mother" Hubbard
Executive Director - American Collegiate Talent Showcase
Rob Hunden
Hunden Partners
Todd Hunt CVE
Senior Vice President
Venue Coalition/Arena Network
Ursula Hunting
Interim Associate Director of Special Events
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts


Vicki Infinito
Head of Arts & Entertainment Programming
Theatre Projects


Adonis Sporty Jeralds CVE
Senior Instructor
University of South Carolina
Chris Joffe
Founder / CEO
Joffe Emergency Services
Samantha Johnson
Senior Vice President
Oak View Group


Alex Keen
Keen Independent Research
Mr. Weston Keifer
Assistant General Manager
AT&T Performing Arts Center
Shane Kelly
Senior Director of Booking
Harlem Globetrotters International
Shelly Kleppsattel
Booking & Contract Manager
The Fox Theatre - Atlanta
Thia Knowlton
Senior Vice President, Booking Manager
IMG Artists
Tammy Koolbeck CVE
Executive Director
Stephens Auditorium


Patrick Lamboy
Director of Business Development
Aramark Facilities Management
Victor T. Landry M.B.A.
General Manager
Flint River Entertainment Complex - OVG
Ben Lauritsen
Stoel Rives LLP
Mr. Frantzer LeBlanc CVP, MBA
Vice President of Operations
Karina LeBlanc
General Manager & President of Soccer Operations
Portland Thorns
Emery Leonard
Robert Long FASTC
Principal Consultant
Theatre Consultants Collaborative
Jeremy Longinotti
Co-Founder & CEO


Steve Mackenzie CVE
Chief Innovation Officer
Momentus Technologies
Dr. Kimberly Mahoney Ph.D., CVP
Mr. Michael Marion CVE
General Manager
Simmons Bank Arena
Andrew Marshall
Co-founder, Co-owner
Model Leader
Leah Mastaglio
Senior Assistant General Manager
NRG Park
Brad Mayne CVE
International Association of Venue Managers
Corinne Mazzotta
Infrastructure Security Division (ISD), Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Bryan Miller CVE, MBA, CMP
Vice President of Venues
Charlotte Regional Visitors Authority (CRVA)
Charlie Miller
Executive Director & Curator of Off-Center
Denver Center for the Performing Arts
Eric Mowrey
Sr. Director of Engineering
Smart City Networks
Aren Murray
Operations Manager - US


Moira O’Brien
Senior Vice President of Sales & Marketing
McCormick Place Convention Center
Daniel Ordower
Managing Principal
Theatre Projects
Mr. Greg Overstreet, CPP, PSP, CSSP CPP, PSP, CSSP
Senior Director of Security
Mercedes-Benz Stadium


Mr. Richard M Parison, Jr.
Director of Arts and Culture, City of Mesa
Mesa Arts and Culture
Amara H. Pérez Ph.D.
Critical Race Spatial Educator, Researcher, and Strategist
Mr. Larry Perkins CVE, CPP, CMP
President & CEO
Madisen Pool
Patron Services Manager - Front of House
Kauffman Center for Performing Arts
Stephen Potter CVE
Assistant Director of Event Operations
Arizona State University


Sara Quick
Booking Manager
VStar Entertainment
Matthew Quinn
IT Director
CCLD Networks


Ali Ribordy
Director of Sales
Boise Centre
Rip Rippetoe CVE
President & CEO
San Diego Convention Center
Sarah Robertson
Vice President, Operations
Dayton Live
Andrew Roe
Founder /Owner
Promovere Agency
Chris Ross CISSP
Federal Law Enforcement Liaison, Cyber Security Advisor Region 10
Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency, DHS
Lori Rubinstein
Executive Director
Behind the Scenes Foundation


Howard Sandler
Director of Events
OC Fair & Event Center
Paige Satter
Director of Operations Administration
The Rady Shell at Jacobs Park
Jill Schinberg
Associate Professor
Faylnn Schmidt
OTJ Architects
Ms Megan Seppmann MBA, CVP
Vice President of Sales
Baird Center
Mr. Adam Shalleck FAIA
Founder & President
The Shalleck Collaborative, Inc.
Ms Aimee Shattuck
Executive Director, Student Activities & Leadership Programs / Affiliate Instructor, Public Administration/Civic Leadership
Portland State University
Dan Shaughnessy
Director of Sales & Marketing
Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina
Travis Short
Vice President of Commissioning
Henderson Building Solutions
Theresa Sizemore
Executive and Leadership Coach, Trainer, Facilitator
Theresa Sizemore Coaching
Alex Soltero
National Director, Event Safety
Joffe Emergency Services
James Spellos
Meeting U
Jessie States CMP, CMM
Vice President, MPI Academy
Meeting Professionals International
Michael Stewart
Senior Program Analyst
Commercial Facilities Sector, Stakeholder Engagement Division (SED), Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Jordan Stone
Gary Storm P.E., LEED AP
Senior Principal
Thornton Tomasetti
Tammy Sweeney
Chief Executive Officer
TCU Place
Nathan Sykes
Deputy Metro Attorney


Mikael Tara Garver
Founder & Executive Creative Producer
NBH Arts Partners & Culture House
Mr. Monte Thurmond
Executive Vice President, South Region
Stephanie Torres-De Los Santos CMP
Director of Events
Portland'5 Centers for the Arts
Terri Trotter
Consulting CEO
Henry J Kaiser Center for the Arts
Cynthia Tucker
Assistant Director of Event Operations
University of Southern California


Elis Valera CVP, MBA
VP, Venues and Capital Programs
Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment
Randall Vogel CVE
Deputy Director
Mesa Arts Center


Mr. Erik Waldman CVE
Senior Vice President; Client Services
Chris Wallace
Booking Director
Feld Entertainment
Sunny Wescott
Chief Meteorologist
Infrastructure Security Division (ISD), Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Tom Wilder
Protective Security Advisor, Portland, OR
CISA Region 10, DHS
Elaine Williams CMP, CEM-AP
Senior Director of Sales & Event Services
New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
Brian Wilson
Deputy Director
Portland'5 Centers for the Arts
Heather Wilton
Director of Programming, Booking, and Marketing
Portland'5 Centers for the Arts
Erin Wylie
Guest Services Manager
Indiana University Auditorium


Jeremiah Yolkut
Vice-President, Global Events
Major League Baseball (MLB)
Clifford Young
President US Public Affairs


AJ Zahn
Senior Vice President
Rose Quarter Operations & Portland Trailblazers
Nick Zazal CVP
General Manager, Walmart AMP
Walton Arts Center | Walmart AMP