BREAKING NEWS: SensiML Announces First Open-Source AutoML Solution for Edge AI/ML Development Read More

Custom Smart IoT ML Sensor Algorithms

with SensiML Knowledge Packs

Accurate AI Sensor Algorithms For the Smallest IoT Devices

Supporting products from these leading companies and SensiML partners

SensiML's AI/ML Workflow
SensiML Analytics Toolkit suite automates each step of the process for creating optimized AI IoT sensor recognition code. The overall workflow uses a growing library of advanced ML and AI algorithms to generate code that can learn from new data either the development phase or once deployed.
Don't Jeopardize Your ML Project By Using the Wrong Tools

AI/ML tools for the cloud are great... for cloud-centric data analytics. But such tools are NOT well suited for generating ultra compact, optimized sensor inference code for microcontrollers and edge processors.

SensiML Analytics Toolkit factors edge performance and optimization into every step of the AI/ML development pipeline from data collection to optimized code generation. In addition, our processing libraries and base models are built specifically to support sensor data and use cases. The result: ML code that in some cases can even run on 8-bit MCUs!

So don't start your project off on the wrong foot with general purpose AI tools for cloud analytics. Explore how SensiML's powerful yet straightforward IoT edge tool suite generates best-in-class ML code accuracy and efficiency.

Latest News and Announcements

SensiML News

SensiML Open Source AutoML Tools
New Community Project

May 14, 2024 SensiML announced it is disrupting the edge AI market by being the first in the industry to offer a complete, open-source AutoML solution for developing edge AI applications. 

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SensiML News

SensiML Data Studio Launched
Along with streamlined plans/pricing

Our latest version of SensiML's innovative ML DataOps software is now known as Data Studio and available standalone. Data Studio offers easy dataset management to a broad base of SensiML, open source AI framework, and cloud AI users.

In addition, we have streamlined our plans across the board to make it easier and more flexible to choose SensiML for your IoT Edge ML needs.

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SensiML at Embedded World 2024
April 9 - 11, Nürnberg, Germany

SensiML exhibited again this year at Embedded World 2024 in Nuremberg, Germany and showcased our new product lineup and latest demos including Data Studio and a new smart tooling demo.

If you missed us at the show, check out the blog highlighting our activities there.

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