Our Time is Now

The SkillsUSA competition theme for the 2022-23 school year is:

SkillsUSA: Our Time is Now

The topic to be addressed by contestants in the 2023 SkillsUSA Chapter Display, Prepared Speech and Promotional Bulletin Board competitions is our theme, “SkillsUSA: Our Time is Now.”

Within this topic, contestants might illustrate or discuss any of the following:

  1. The membership theme “SkillsUSA: Our Time is Now” implies that members have both the tools and the confidence to take on further education or employment in their career field. Name three ways that SkillsUSA has prepared you with the tools to enter the workforce?
  2. How is the SkillsUSA Framework of developing Personal Skills, Workplace Skills and Technical Skills Grounded in Academics central to the idea of being ready for employment?
  3. The theme “Our Time is Now” is inclusive of all SkillsUSA members and their collective preparedness and confidence in their skills and abilities. How has your SkillsUSA chapter worked together to ensure that all chapter members are career-ready?
  4. If asked to create a member recruitment campaign around the theme “Our Time is Now”, what would be your key points?
  5. How has learning and practicing the SkillsUSA Framework Essential Elements given you confidence in your skill set? Name two Essential Elements that you have practiced during your SkillsUSA membership that are mastered now.
  6. What activities or learning within your career and technical education program have prepared you to contribute to the workforce, implementing the concepts and the positive confidence exemplified in the theme “SkillsUSA: Our Time is Now”?
  7. What does the theme “SkillsUSA” Our Time is Now” mean to you?