John Murray Learning / Teach Yourself

  • Booth: 745

John Murray Learning contains our bestselling range of language courses for adults that make learning accessible, fun and engaging, whether you’re a total beginner or studying at a more advanced level. We are the umbrella under which Teach Yourself, Michel Thomas, and Chambers fall. With Teach Yourself, learn a language, improve your business skills, get healthy or master a new hobby with Teach Yourself, the trusted brand for over 60 million learners since 1938. Michel Thomas' acclaimed audio-only language learning method is in tune with the way the brain prefers to receive, store, and later retrieve information. It is the perfect foundation for any language learner. You’ll stick with it because you’ll love it! Chambers is the preffered brand for writers and language lovers! From the famous Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase & Fable to celebrations of endangered languages, all word lovers have a home here!