Kaiser Permanente Northern California Residency and Fellowship Programs  

Oakland,  CA 
United States
  • Booth: 103

Welcome to Kaiser Permanente Northern California Residency and Fellowship Programs! 

We provide academic training within a world-class health care organization for a large patient population. Our programs foster the professional and personal development of residents in an integrated, scholarly, and supportive, managed-care environment.

We invite you to learn about our residency programs, fellowships, and various medical student opportunities by visiting us at our excursions throughout the conference - see our updated exursions list to see which programs we will highlight and how to get connected! 

You are encouraged to fill out our INTEREST FORM to get you further connected.

Watch our video to learn about our training programs directly from our residents and fellows!

 Networking Excursions


  • Since 2013 the Introduction to Integrated Health Care (IIHC) program has successfully afforded medical students completing their first year an opportunity to experience the Kaiser Permanente integrated health care system which values technology, prevention, and a diverse workforce to obtain national-leading quality outcomes for its patients. Medical students will experience the health care system of tomorrow today at Kaiser Permanente and learn more about our excellent residency programs.

    For more information visit:https://residency-ncal.kaiserpermanente.org/med-students/integrated-healthcare/

    Please note - 2022 applications will open in October 2021!

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