ScholarRx / USMLE-Rx

Louisville,  KY 
United States
  • Booth: 52

Med school is tough. Knowing what to study and how to study effectively shouldn’t be. That’s why USMLE-Rx does the heavy lifting for you. Get the comprehensive suite of tools that will help you efficiently learn, review, and assess exactly what you need to know.

If you need tutoring, contact Rx Coach, our innovative Step 1 and Step 2 tutoring program with Rx-certified coaches.

We also encourage you to check out MeSAGE, the Medical Student Alliance for Global Education, whose partners include AMSA

Brands: ScholarRx USMLE-Rx Rx Coach MeSAGE: The Medical Student Alliance for Global Education


  • Set up a free account with USMLE-Rx and strengthen your medical foundation with lifetime access to over 150 of our Rx Bricks!  

    Quickly learn exactly what you need to know to master class content and excel as a future physician with interactive modules that are always high-yield and patient-centered.

    • "Need-to-know" topics succinctly explained with simple "clear language" explanations, often in under 20 minutes
    • Clinical correlations, real-world stories, and more
    • Visualize complex concepts and quiz yourself using interactive images
    • Assess your understanding with measurable objectives, interactive flashcards, and practice questions built into each module

    Rx Coach offers individual tutoring for med students preparing for the USMLE, COMLEX, and medical school exams. From the most reputable name in medical education.

    Our process starts with a unique 160 question assessment to analyze your strengths and weaknesses prior to your first session. A staff member reviews the results of the assessment and works with you to create an individualized study plan. Tutors work with students to select subjects and create assignments prior to each tutoring session. Each session is integrated with our popular USMLE-Rx resources to augment the learning experience. Tutors log each session, taking detailed notes to track your progress and maximize your success.

    Learn more!


  • USMLE-Rx Giveaway and Promo
    Enter to win a 12-month subscription to Rx360+ & 3 sessions with Rx Coach!

    *Get 3 months of Rx Bricks for $1! Use code: AMSABRICK
    *Or, use promo code AMSACon21 to take 45% off any USMLE-Rx subscription.

  • Medical students are expected to learn, synthesize, and be able to apply thousands of complex facts in an increasingly limited period of time. Not only are you overwhelmed by the amount of information being thrown at you, but also by the number of resources available to help you in class and on the boards. 

    At USMLE-Rx, we believe you deserve to have the best possible tools and high quality content that will help you learn what you need to know to master med school.

    Start a free trial today by going to

    And enter to win a free subscription to Rx360+ and 3 sessions with Rx Coach

    We also have two special offers for AMSA members:

    • Get 3 months of Rx Bricks for $1! Use code: AMSABRICK 
    • Or, use promo code AMSACon21 to take 45% off any USMLE-Rx subscription.

    Go to & use your special AMSA savings (expires 3/9/21 at 11:59pm EST)

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