
DeWitt,  NY 
United States
  • Booth: 8105

Try a FREE TRIAL; see why more than 7,500 depts use IaR!

The industry leading IamResponding.com system is used daily by more than 7,500 DEPARTMENTS & 350,000 EMERGENCY RESPONDERS!

Know immediately who is responding & where! You’ll know immediately if you have a full crew on the way, or if you need to page additional personnel. This helps get more complete, safer crews out faster!

Also includes:  Dispatches to your mobile devices; mapping of incident locations, directions, hydrants, and many other map points; an instant mass-messaging system; scheduling; expiration date tracking; apparatus tracking; calendaring, incident reporting; FREE NFIRS and much more! Fully automated & 100% web-based. No software or unique hardware required. Proven network has processed more than 20 Million calls and delivered more than 500 Million messages.


View our brochure here.

Brands: IamResponding.com