Ovees™ is the first ever XR headset designed especially for live performance & entertainment. With Ovees™, you’re able to bring Hollywood style VFX into live performances or exhibitions and augment shows with high-fidelity, interactive holographic content. Just hold this one of a kind XR headset up to your eyes and let the magic of Ovees™ unfold. Ovees™ is the only XR headset that enables large scale audience engagement and is best suited for theater, live sports, museums and educational settings. Contact us to try our product and to see how Ovees™ can enhance your performances and engage your audiences.
Key features include:
- Lightweight
- No straps, AR glasses that mimic Opera binoculars
- Easy audience onboarding
- Works in all lighting
- Works with your current AV system
- Create content that scales with your events
- Pre-visualize and perfect production sets before physical buildout