
Lovenjoel,  3360

  • Booth: 1747

AdditiveLab is a novel software solution for creating customized models for additive manufacturing (AM) processes simulation. It has been specifically developed to address the engineering needs of Additive Manufacturing. It is designed for process engineers, design engineers, researchers and scientists working in AM who strive to efficiently investigate, understand and optimize their manufacturing processes.

Our mission with AdditiveLab is to provide a platform helping users to stop unnecessary production failures and increase their AM process expertise by virtually predicting failure-prone regions in parts and supports prior to manufacturing. Furthermore, with AdditiveLab we provide a platform to optimize build configurations and enhance the quality of your printing process and manufactured parts prior to production.

AdditiveLab offers the following services and software capabilities:

  • AM process simulation
  • Simulation workflow integration
  • Build configuration optimization
  • Build risk failure analysis
  • Scanning pattern investigation
  • Machine Parameters Optimization

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  • AdditiveLabRESEARCH
    AdditiveLabRESEARCH is software for creating customized models for AM processes simulation. It enables users to simulate processes on scales ranging from micro-scale up to entire build configurations and helps to predict & optimize manufacturing outcomes....

  • AdditiveLabRESEARCH is developed by engineers and scientists with extensive experience in simulation and additive manufacturing. It is rigorously validated, extensively documented, and scalable to run very fast on multi-core computers. It is the ideal package for R&D teams creating their own simulation IP, performing in-depth analysis on AM parts and material properties during the AM process. With AdditiveLabRESEARCH, users can create their own simulation applications and automated workflows, and distribute them to design teams, manufacturing departments, test labs, and customers.

    Advanced Simulations.

    ​AdditiveLab’s powerful simulation technology offers advanced simulations for researchers and experts who require deeper analysis and understanding of the models and the production process. Our offering includes:

    • Thermo-mechanically coupled transient analysis
    • Scanning pattern analysis
    • Melt-pool analysis

    In addition, for experts, unlimited access is offered to all AdditiveLab's features via Python Scripting Interface. Automation, Optimization, and Customization are at your own fingertips using AdditiveLab's Python API.

    Predict Metal AM deformations.
    During the metal AM process, the material is being heated and solidified rapidly. This causes the material to expand and contract very locally and to leave residual stresses in part and support structures. These residual stresses cause localized and global distortions, leading to deformed designs and even to rupture and delamination of the support structure.​

    AdditiveLab’s powerful mechanical analysis utilizes a state-of-the-art multi-scale simulation approach to predict residual stresses and distortions in a layer-by-layer fashion. This empowers the users to identify and address problematic regions which compromise the manufacturing process and the end quality of the manufactured part.

    Simulation of Thermal Histories.

    The heating of each individual layer during the AM process continuously elevates temperatures in the part and the support structure. Heat must be transferred properly into the building plate to avoid overheating.

    AdditiveLab’s multi-volume thermal analysis simulates thermal histories enabling the users to locate and adjust regions that suffer from heat removal to avoid overheating and eventual dross formation.

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  • AdditiveLabLITE
    Ideal solution for designers and for AM machine data preparation engineers. With automated workflows, users can predict distortions, stresses, strains, and temperatures....

  • AdditiveLabLITE Workflow

    Simple, fast, and affordable AM Simulation.

    • Import geometry files (usually the main design and its support structures) into the AdditiveLab application.
    • Create a hexahedral simulation mesh and select material for the simulation from the library.
    • Start the analysis and the simulation process begins to run in the background.
    • Upon completion of the simulation, the results will be automatically loaded into the AdditiveLab application and displayed.
    • With the visual feedback about critical regions (=regions with large deformations, localized stress concentrations or accumulated temperatures), the user can apply proper changes to address critical regions.

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