Aditiv Solutions

Building 17a CSIR Meiring Naudé Rd
Pretoria,  0184

South Africa
+27 72 729 4581
  • Booth: 1067

Aditiv Solutions, established in 2019, is on a mission to change metal 3D printing on a global scale. With a laser focus on affordability, simplicity, and reliability. We are revolutionizing the accessibility of this cutting-edge technology for businesses worldwide. Starting with the goal of making metal 3D printing affordable in South Africa, Aditiv Solutions quickly realized the immense potential that our approach to Metal 3D printing holds across diverse industries.

Join us on a journey of innovation and transformation! Experience firsthand how Aditiv Solutions is reshaping the future of manufacturing. Are you exploring the possibilities of metal 3D printing or seeking to optimize your production processes? We invite you to reach out to us or come and say hi. Discover how our cost-effective solutions can propel your business forward. Driving innovation, cutting costs, and accelerating your production timelines. Open yourself up to see the benefit of our human-centric approach to solving problems with our products. Don’t be left behind, join the group of happy clients today, and experience it for yourself!


    Powder Bed Fusion, Metal 3D Printer
    - Building volume of Ø200mm X 300mm
    - 400W German laser and optics
    - Class-leading interactive Interface
    - Open Parameters
    It fits through a single door, uses single-phase power + inert gas supply = simple installation....

  • Aditiv Solutions' HYRAX Metal 3D Printer. Ideal for small to medium-sized parts, with a build volume of Ø200mm X 300mm. Its class-leading interface, easy installation, compact size, and low resource requirements make it a cost-effective metal 3D printer for small production runs.

    Key Features:

    • Efficiency: The HYRAX's 400W laser, fast German scanning system, and dual-direction recoating ensure exceptional production rates.
    • Ease of Use: The multi-touch ergonomic interface allows for easy transitions between different metal powders, with low maintenance costs.
    • Metal Production: The HYRAX can use a variety of metals developed for Powder Bed Fusion technology, because of its open parameter architecture.
    • Resolution: With a minimum layer thickness of 30μm and variable spot size, the HYRAX offers an optimal balance between resolution and production rates.

    The HYRAX is easy to install and operate, it fits through a standard door, and only requires single-phase power and an inert gas supply. Its compact size, minimal resource requirements, and user-friendly design make it a highly cost-effective and scalable solution for small production runs.

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