76 Xueyuan South Road, Haidian District
BEIJING,  100081

  • Booth: 1851-19

HIPEX is a leading Hot Isostatic Pressing (HIP) platform and an advanced Hot Isostatic Press manufacturer in China. It has 4 HIP service centers in Beijing, Zhenjiang, Qingdao, and Weinan, equipped with 17 HIP units (from D80*120mm to D1850*3500mm) to offer HIP treating services publicly, including densification, diffusion bonding, NNS powder metallurgy, and technical support. All HIP equipment is designed and manufactured by the HIPEX team with full intellectual property. HIPEX is the Asian chairman unit of the International HIP Association. It has a HIP engineering technology research center and has passed the full sets of industry qualification certifications such as AS9100, NADCAP, and high-pressure special equipment design and manufacturing certificates. In the future, HIPEX plans to establish more HIP research and service centers globally, to improve the large-scale supply chain, provide strong support for the comprehensive quality improvement of materials, and offer high-quality and low-cost production solutions to our customers in various fields.

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