Guldensporenpark 18
Merelbeke,  Flandre-Orientale  09820

  • Booth: 1313

AMIS provides printer users and producers with an exceptional 3mf-based tool to prepare and execute their prints. AMIS Pro software was specifially developed as the Build Preparation Software for: - Material Jetting - MJF - SLS, and - Binder Jetting AMIS can rely on decades of experience in software for Jetting Technologies. AMIS is the HYBRID Software Department focused on Build Preparation Software for Batch-Based Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies. This makes AMIS uniquely positioned to work with you to build your next-level Software.

 Show Specials

  • Get in touch to get access to your trial license for AMIS Pro.
    Faster, denser, easier Build Prep for MJF, SLS, MJ and BJ.


  • AMIS Pro
    AMIS Pro is:
    • the Professional Build Preparation Software
    • for Binder Jetting, Material Jetting, MJF and SLS technologies.
    AMIS Pro is extremely fast and user-friendly, and allows you to Build denser and easier....

    AMIS DFE is the premium Digital Front End for print & printer control for MJ, BJ, SLS and MJF. AMIS DFE is an off-cloud editor for Mac & Windows allowing printer manufacturers to prepare, configure, print and monitor realistic, industrial builds. AMIS DFE is developed in collaboration with Printer OEMs....

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