JM Performance Products Inc

JM Performance Products, Inc, the industry leader in Milling Machine Optimization, manufactures a complement of products designed to improve the performance of CNC milling machines and improve the performance of every tool used in these machines by eliminating the flaw in V-Flange tooling: Toolholder Expansion. JMPP's products, featuring the patented High Torque© retention knobs, maximize toolholder-to-spindle contact, thereby eliminating vibration and chatter, run-out, poor tolerances, and poor finishes, decreasing setup time, reducing or eliminating costly polishing and bench time, and increasing tool life 15% - 300% while increasing production on existing equipment 10% - 40% GUARANTEED. If you want the best performance from your machine and tools, demand the best knobs. Retention knob sockets made to fit our over-400 different knobs, along with torque wrenches and set-up tool holders, make JMPP your one-stop retention knob shop. JMPP's spindle maintenance products, including the Deluxe Spindle Cleaning and Ultimate Spindle Restoration Kit, make CNC spindle maintenance affordable and easy to implement in any shop. Made in the USA.