JLH Saws

One of the world’s largest metal sawing machine manufacturers JLH SAWS INT'L INC. is continuously working on Innovations and technology. We offer the world’s fastest, high-quality and technologically advanced metal cutting solutions to customers across the world since 1983. Our knowledgeable and experienced team works very closely with our customers to understand their requirements. This allows us to offer them the highest performance solutions ensuring low cost per component and optimized productivity.
Our manufacturing facility is modern and world class. The total land/facility covers an area of more than 861,000 square feet with a factory space of more than 570,000 square feet. JLH Saws International Inc. has more than 300 employees with production capacity of more than 8,000 machines per year.
JLH is the largest metal sawing machines brand in our home country with more than a 25% market share We are continuing to emerge as preferred sawing brand in across the world. JLH currently exports to more than 30 countries with ongoing efforts to expand our footprint.