General Information
Access to the Exhibit Hall
Exhibitors wearing “Exhibitor” badges may enter the exhibit hall during the following hours:
Friday, September 5 |
8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Saturday, September 6 |
8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Sunday, September 7 |
7:30 am - 4:00 pm |
Monday, September 8 |
8:30 am - 4:00 pm |
Tuesday, September 9 |
8:30 am - 4:00 pm |
Attendees will be allowed in the hall during the following hours (Please note that appointments with attendees in the exhibit hall shall only be scheduled during these hours.):
Sunday, September 7 |
10:00 am - 4:00 pm |
Monday, September 8 |
9:30 am - 4:00 pm |
Tuesday, September 9 |
9:30 am - 3:30 pm |
Badges must be picked up at the exhibitor registration desk. The desk will be open during the following hours:
Friday, September 5 |
8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Saturday, September 6 |
8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Sunday, Septembe 7 |
7:30 am - 4:00 pm |
Monday, September 8 |
8:30 am - 4:00 pm |
Tuesday, September 9 |
8:30 am - 4:00 pm |
Exhibiting firms are encouraged to submit representatives’ names in advance to avoid on-site delays. The deadline for booth personnel submission is Friday, August 8. Exhibiting firms will be allowed to register up to five representatives for each 100 square feet of exhibit space rented. Badges over the number allotted will be charged $100 per badge. After Friday, August 8, any changes/additions will be charged $100 per badge. This includes badges that are produced onsite - No Exceptions. Exhibitor badges will be issued only in the name of the company shown on the application for exhibit space.
Exhibitor badges will be issued to only employees of exhibiting firms. Representatives registering onsite will be required to show proof of employment with the exhibiting company when requesting badges. Individuals requesting badges onsite who do not have proper authorization to receive a badge will be asked to wait at the registration desk until a representative of the exhibiting company has been contacted for authorization.
Representatives of an exhibiting company must wear the badges at all times, including installation and dismantling, while in the exhibit area. These badges are valid admittance to the exhibit floor, but do not allow access to the educational sessions. The printed badge will show the exhibitor’s name and the name of the exhibiting company. The exhibiting company is responsible for the actions of its representatives. Misuse of the exhibitor badge system may result in the expulsion of the exhibitor from the exhibit hall and is considered a violation of the ACEP Rules and Regulations. False certification of individuals as an exhibitor’s representatives or any other method used to help unauthorized persons gain admission to the exhibit floor, will be cause for expelling the violator from the exposition and removing the exhibit from the floor without obligation on the part of ACEP.
PLEASE NOTE - ACEP recommends pre-registering all company representatives to avoid onsite delays.
Cancellation/Reduction Schedule
At the time ACEP receives written notice that an Exhibitor is canceling its space, all function space (including hospitality suites) held by that Exhibitor will be cancelled. Any booth in the exhibit hall which is unoccupied by 5:00 pm on Saturday, September 6, will be considered a no-show and may be assigned to another exhibitor unless ACEP Show Management has received written notice of extenuating circumstances. The Exhibitor shall be deemed to have cancelled the exhibit space contract. There will be no refund to the original Exhibitor and no obligation on the part of ACEP to relocate such Exhibitors. Additionally, Exhibitors that no-show will remain responsible for any balance that may be owed to ACEP.
A 50% deposit of the total cost of exhibit space requested must accompany applications submitted prior to March 31. Applications submitted after March 31, must be accompanied by full payment. Full payment of all booths is due by March 31 or ACEP may reassign the space. Deposits may be paid by check, VISA, MasterCard, American Express or wire transfer. Payments must be US funds drawn on a US institution. Checks to be made payable to the American College of Emergency Physicians. International Exhibitors may pay by credit card, a check in US funds drawn on a US institution, or by an international money order only. Checks drawn on foreign banks will be returned to applicants, which will delay the approval process and space assignment. Due to processing charges from banks, wire transfers will not be accepted.
Dismantling of Exhibits
Tuesday, September 9 |
3:30 pm - 8:00 pm |
Wednesday, September 10 |
8:00 am - 12:00 pm |
The official closing time of the exhibit hall is 3:30 pm on Tuesday, September 9. Packing of equipment, literature, or dismantling of exhibits is strictly prohibited until that time. Early dismantling is considered a violation of the Rules and Regulations and will result in the loss of all accumulated priority points. All exhibits must be packed by 12:00 pm on Wednesday, September 10.
To avoid damage to equipment or display materials, exhibitors should remain with the exhibit until crates are returned and all materials are packed. Cartons for display materials will be returned as promptly as possible to each booth after the official closing time. ACEP does not assume any responsibility for loss or damage to exhibits, equipment, personal belongs, etc. during the dismantle, period. Children and guests are not allowed on the exhibit floor at any time during dismantling hours.
Exhibitor Service Kits
Exhibitor Service Kits will be online and made available the week of May 12 to exhibiting companies that are paid in full. The link for the kits will be sent to the official contact as listed on the application for space.
Each kit contains a complete set of forms for ordering services. Exhibitors are urged to take advantage of cost reductions offered by most contractors for advance orders. Many services cost substantially more when ordered onsite, and some may not be available until all advance orders are processed. ACEP carefully selects contractors who provide exhibitors quality service and reasonable rates. Exhibitors are encouraged to use the services of the official contractors, whenever possible. If requested, a kit will also be sent to exhibitor-appointed contractors once ACEP receives notification from the exhibitor.
Hospitality Suites
Exhibiting firms that host hospitality suites must arrange their schedules so they will not conflict with the ACEP24 educational program or major social events. Hospitality suites will not be approved for non-exhibiting firms.
Installation of Exhibits
Friday, September 5 |
8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
Saturday, September 6 |
8:00 am - 5:00 pm |
All exhibits must be completely set by 5:00 pm on Saturday, September 6. Requests to work beyond the above schedule must be made in writing via the Late Set-up Request form in the Online Exhibitor Service Kit. ACEP reserves the right to assign labor to install any display that is not in the process of being installed by 3:00 pm on Saturday, September 6. The exhibitor will pay the charge for this labor. Any booth unoccupied by 5:00 pm on Saturday, September 6 may be assigned to another exhibitor unless ACEP has received written notice of extenuating circumstances. The exhibitor shall be deemed to have cancelled the exhibit space contract, and ACEP will have the right to deny participation at future ACEP meetings. There will be no refund to the original exhibitor and no obligation on the part of ACEP to relocate that exhibitor. Children and guests are not allowed on the exhibit floor at any time during installation hours.
Market Research Firms
Market research is considered an acceptable practice at ACEP25. Booth space will be assigned on the same basis as other exhibiting firms. Booth personnel for market research firms must remain in the confines of their booth and not stray into the aisle to "recruit" for thier surveys.
ACEP provides perimeter access control. Exhibitors are reminded that booth security and the protection of special valuable items may require additional security at the exhibitor’s own expense. Forms for ordering booth security will be available in the Exhibitor Service Kit. An equipment pass must be obtained from security to remove any material or equipment from the show floor at any time.
Space Assignment - Priority Point System
Points, date of receipt, and exhibitor’s preference for proximity to other exhibiting companies will be taken into consideration in determining booth location. Since the point system for space assignment uses exhibit history, it is likely that prime spaces will be assigned to long-term exhibitors. If all your requests are near the main entrance, it is probable that we will not be able to accommodate your choices. By scattering location choices around the floor, you increase your chances of receiving one of your selections.
Points will be awarded as follows:
- 10 points for each consecutive year firm has exhibited with ACEP
- 2 points for every 100 square feet purchased in consecutive years
Points will also be awarded as follows for corporate supporter:
- Diamond Level Patron – 20 points
- Platinum Level Patron – 16 points
- Gold Level Patron – 12 points
- Silver Level Patron – 8 points
- Bronze Level Patron – 4 points
If a company does not exhibit one year, they lose all of their accumulated points. Exhibiting companies involved in mergers or acquisitions will receive the points that were earned by the company with the most favorable exhibit history. Points are not combined to arrive at an exhibiting company’s point status.
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Sleeping Rooms and Function Space
All housing will be arranged through ACEP’s official housing company, onPeak, and opened for reservations during ACEP24. Check ACEP’s website for updates regarding housing reservations and contact information. Please do not attempt reservations directly with the hotels. This creates difficulties in managing the housing blocks and often results in attendees not finding rooms at their desired hotel.
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Function Space
ACEP maintains control over the function space in the ACEP hotels and convention center in order to preserve and protect an equitable marketplace for all exhibitors. All requests for function space must be made on the official ACEP request form. Please indicate the sponsoring company, desired facility, date, time, anticipated attendance, and a brief outline of the proposed function. Third-party organizers must be designated as agents by the exhibitor on the exhibitor’s stationary. A payment schedule will be included with the Function Space Request form.
Entertainment and Social Functions
No entertainment or social functions may be scheduled to conflict with the official ACEP program.