Whether you're seeking to establish valuable connections, showcase your offerings, or maximize your budget, we have a range of options to meet your needs. Explore the below opportunities designed to help you get your message in front of attendees. Click on a product below to get more information.
Need assistance in optimizing your budget and selecting the perfect package? Reach out to Angel Law at for personalized guidance and detailed insights. 


  UP TO $10,000

Exhibit Hall Lunch Table Ads: 25 for $200 (Epilepsy Leadership Council Only)

NEW Ad in AES 2024 Daily eNews | Footer (One Day)$2,000 (ONLY 3 REMAINING)

Passport to Prizes Booth Traffic Promotion (limited to 20):  $3,000 

Media Wall Ad | 10 Sec: $3,000 SOLD OUT

NEW Ad in AES 2024 Daily eNews | Skyscraper (One Day)$4,000 (ONLY 4 REMAINING)

Hoyer Lecture Sponsorship:  $5,000 

Special Interest Group Sponsorship:  $5,000 

NEW Ad in AES 2024 Know Before You Go$5,000 - NOW AVAILABLE

Media Wall Ad | 30 Sec:  $5,250 SOLD OUT

Afternoon Popcorn Snack Break:  $5,500

Your Logo on Interactive Exhibit Hall Floor Plan$5,500

Media Wall Ad | 10 Sec x 3:  $5,750 SOLD OUT

Sleeping Room Door Drops | Shared: $5,900 

NEW Wine Event Sponsorship:  $6,000

Free-Standing 8’ x 3’ Double-Sided Signs: $6,000 -  SOLD OUT

Scientific Exhibit | Medium Room:  $7,000

Poster Session Monday Morning Coffee:  $7,800 

Coffee Breaks in Exhibit Hall (only three available):  $7,800 

Program Book Ads | Run of Book$7,800

NEW Remarketing Opportunities | 50,000 Impressions$8,000

Media Wall Ad | 60 Sec:  $9,000 SOLD OUT

Resident Epilepsy Surgery Course Support:  $9,000 

Resident EEG Course Support:  $9,000


  $10,000 - $25,000

NEW LA Metro Cards with Branded Covers: $10,000

NEW Ad in AES 2024 Daily eNews | Footer (All five days): $10,000 - NO LONGER AVILABLE 

Leadership Breakfast (Nonprofit sponsor only):  $10,000 

President’s Reception Support $10,000

EXCLUSIVE Epilepsy Leadership Council Luncheon: $10,000 

EXCLUSIVE Career Center Sponsorship$10,000 

EXCLUSIVE Coat & Luggage Check: $10,000 

NEW Branded Cell Phone Stations (outside of exhibit hall): $10,000 (max 3) 

EXCLUSIVE Your Logo on Half of the Exhibit Hall Aisle Signs: $12,000 SOLD

Your Ad in Lunch Boxes: $12,500 ONLY 2 DAYS LEFT

EXCLUSIVE Hoyer Lecture | Live Webcast:  $13,000 SOLD

Remarketing Opportunities | 100,000 Impressions$14,000

EXCLUSIVE Program Book | Cover 2:  $14,750  - SOLD

EXCLUSIVE Program Book | Cover 3:  $14,750 SOLD

NEW Exhibit Hall Attendee Reception Bar Sponsorship$15,000 (  3 OPPORTUNITIES AVAILABLE)

Exhibit Hall Entrance Carpet Decal (10’ x 10’)$16,000

Footprints to Your Booth (up to 100 floor decals!) $16,000 

EXCLUSIVE AES Fellows Welcome & Orientation: $16,000 SOLD

EXCLUSIVE Women in Epilepsy Professions Luncheon:  $16,000 SOLD

EXCLUSIVE Program Book | Cover 4:  $16,750  - SOLD

EXCLUSIVE Program Book Belly Band$18,000

Box Lunches for All in Exhibit Hall (Sat, Sun, or Mon):  $18,000 

NEW Ad in AES 2024 Daily eNews | Skyscraper (All five days): $20,000 - NO LONGER AVILABLE 

NEW Remarketing Opportunities | 200,000 Impressions: $20,000

EXCLUSIVE Premium Passport to Prizes—Drawings in Your Booth: $20,000 - NOW AVAILABLE

EXCLUSIVE Speed Networking in Exhibit Hall: $22,000 

EXCLUSIVE Abstract Guide Sponsorship (Free Ad on Back Cover):  $23,000  SOLD

Sponsored Emails to AES 2024 Registrants: $25,000

  $25,000 +

NEW EXCLUSIVE Stair Clings in Convention Center$25,000 ONLY 1 SET LEFT

EXCLUSIVE Epilepsy Quiz Game (8 emails with your logo):  $28,000 

EXCLUSIVE Online Abstract Search (3+ months on AES website):  $28,000 SOLD

EXCLUSIVE Sleeping Room Door Drops | Exclusive:  $29,000

EXCLUSIVE Branded Attendee Lounge (comfortable seating, branded charging furniture, perimeter branding): $30,000  SOLD

EXCLUSIVE AES 2024 Annual Meeting App Sponsorship:  $40,000  SOLD

EXCLUSIVE Lobby Banner:  $40,000 SOLD

EXCLUSIVE Outside Hanging Banner:  $50,000 SOLD

EXCLUSIVE Hotel Key Cards and Jacket (13,000 Room Nights)$69,000