Now Available: Ads & Sponsorship Catalog
Get your message in front of the American Epilepsy Society (AES) Annual Meeting attendees in Los Angeles this December! AES offers a wide variety of ways to reach your target audience. There are so many opportunities – if you don’t see what you are looking for we are here to work with you on a custom sponsorship!
Advertising and sponsorship products are available at all price points and several types of opportunities are availible. Contact Angel Law, Sr. Manager, Industry Relations (alaw@aesnet.org) for more information.
Who Qualifies as Advertisers or Sponsors?
The following categories qualify to participate in the 2025 AES Annual Meeting as advertisers or sponsors, providing you meet all other requirements for participating in the AES Annual Meeting per AES exhibitor guidelines:
- 2025 commercial booth or nonprofit tabletop exhibitors
- 2025 Scientific Exhibitors
- Non-exhibiting companies with an epilepsy-related medicine or device in pre-commercial status, provided they don't already have a commercial epilepsy product
- Medical education companies providing a satellite symposium that is sponsored by a company that qualifies to purchase advertising or sponsorship opportunities
- Companies in Loss of Exclusivity(LOE) status or going into LOE in 2025 that in the past two years reached Advocate Level or above in the AES recognition system through expenditures on Epilepsy Currents advertising, medical education grants, and charitable support or will reach that level in 2025
Please note: All products/services proposed for exhibition and products/services that appear in exhibitor promotional programs, advertisements, and other materials must relate specifically to: (1) evidence-based practice or advancement of diagnosing, treating, or preventing epilepsy; or (2) educating those treating or conducting research related to epilepsy. AES has the right to decline to offer exhibit and other outreach opportunities to companies that do not meet these criteria.
All Advertising and Sponsorship Must GoThrough AES
All companies and organizations participating in the 2025 AES Annual Meeting as exhibitors, sponsors, and advertisers of content targeted in any way or visible to the professional epilepsy audience that appears during the stated blackout period of December 2, 2024 to December 15, 2024 in the greater Atlanta, GA market must purchase these promotional opportunities through AES. Note that advertising placements of a month or less that: (1) include these dates, (2) are targeted at the consumer market, and (3) are in or near venues or outlets where they can reasonably be expected to reach the AES professional audience will be considered targeted at professionals and therefore must be purchased through AES.
Advertising includes, but is not limited to:, advertising onsite at the convention center and AES hotels and in-market advertising such as airport, billboards, signage in the central business district and on or near AES hotels, bus, taxi, clings, pop-ups, projection ads, mobile advertising, pedicabs, and other outdoor advertising.
Hotel Advertising
AES does not allow advertising in conference hotels, with the exception of advertising inventory offered by AES (if any).
AES Approves Print and Digital Messaging
All print or digital advertisements, signs, and mailings (not including your company’s content in your booth) must be approved by AES in advance. In addition to final approval, AES is available for consultation of all art/messaging in the design/concepting phase.
Please allow three buasiness days for review.
- Abstract Guide Ads
- Daily Connect (onsite daily attendee email) Ads
- Free-Standing 7'x3' Double-Sided Signs
- Hotel Sleeping Room Door Drops
- Lunch Box Inserts
- Lunch Table Ads
- Mailers to be Sent with Complimentary Mailing List
- Meeting At-a-Glance Ads
- Media Wall Ads
- Program Book Ads
- Satellite Symposia Promotional Materials
- Scientific Exhibit Promotional Materials
- Sponsored Emails
- Virtual Tote Bag Submissions
- Convention Center Banners
- Hotel Key Cards and Jackets+
- Large Scale Advertisements (convention center windows, escalators, walls)
- Mobile App Splash Page Art
QR Codes in Advertisements
QR codes on print or digital advertisements, signs, or materials are acceptable, provided:
- The destination URL is provided during the approval process
- The final working QR code is provided during the approval process, prior to production
Guidelines for Referencing AES in Communications
References to AES in ads and mailings. Advertisements and direct mail outreach may include references to the AES Annual Meeting, but it must not imply that the ad or mailer is from AES. During the review process, AES reserves the right to change language relating to the use of the American Epilepsy Society name and/or to reduce the point size of the reference.
- Neither the AES logo nor the 2025 AES Annual Meeting logo may be used in any advertisement or mailer
- No version of "American Epilepsy Society", "AES", and "Annual Meeting" may appear in any URLs your company uses to support your program or product.
- The following reference to AES is allowed: AES 2025. While not required, it can be used in all advertising, including airport, outdoor, taxi, hotel, and various onsite advertising.
- Advertisers may use: American Epilepsy Society 2025 Annual Meeting or 2025 AES Annual Meeting on the following materials viewed or used onsite at the convention center:
- Program book ads
- Door Drops
- Media Wall ads
- Please discuss oter uses directly with AES
Messaging at the AES Annual Meeting. Please note these requirements for your corporate and branded product messaging based on where your advertisement will appear:
- Messaging on sponsored items and advertising inside the exhibit hall may include corporate messaging + logos and/or product messaging + logos. AES reserves the right to disallow corporate and/or product messaging and logos on items in the exhibit hall if there is a reasonable possibility that attendees may carry those items where corporate messaging might be visible in accredited education sessions.
- Messaging on sponsored items and advertising outside the exhibit hall may not include product messaging + logos, with the exception of ads appearing on the AES Media Wall.
- Outdoor advertising and sponsorships (airport, taxi, shuttle buses, billboards, headquarters hotels, etc) may include a call to action and may include product messaging + logos as part of a larger corporate message. The product messaging + logo must appear smaller than the corporate messaging + logo.