Advertising and Sponsorship Catalog

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Put Your Message
in Each Attendee’s Hands
Go Straight to Mobile Devices and Inboxes! Break Through with High-Profile Onsite Advertising Get Noticed
and About
Enhance Attendee Experience Reach Thought Leaders at Invitation-Only Events Attach Your Brand to High Traffic Events Spotlight Your Science or Product Grow the Epilepsy Talent Pipeline


Note that if your company purchases an exclusive item for AES 2023, you will have Right of First Refusal for that item in 2024 (at the 2024 price) if AES offers that item or an equivalent product in 2024.







Hotel Key Cards and Jackets

Here’s a way to get your company’s name in the hands of nearly all AES 2023 attendees! Hotel key cards and jackets can include your company logo, booth number, and brief approved message. The current AES room block is nearly 13,000 sleeping nights and is likely to increase. Attendees use key cards several times per day. Includes production from one design provided by the sponsor. Cards and jackets are distributed at hotels in the AES block (Hyatt Regency Orlando, Rosen Centre, Rosen Plaza, Hilton, and possibly others) to guests checking in.

For more information click HERE, then click on Hotel Key Cards and Jackets.

Please note: key cards are distributed only to individuals in the AES room block, which typically sells out.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Premium Program Book Advertising: Covers 2, 3, and 4

Premium placements: inside front (Cover 2), inside back (Cover 3) or back cover (Cover 4). Almost all AES attendees pick up a program book and refer to it all five days of the Annual Meeting. Your ad on a cover will be one of the first messages most attendees see when they use the book. Four color, full-page. 

For more information click HERE, then click on Premium Print Program Book Placements--COVERS 2, 3, and 4

Covers 2 and 3:
$14,750 per cover

Cover 4:

Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Program Book Advertising: Four Color, Full Page, Run of Book

92% of AES Annual Meeting attendees reported that they referred to the program book from "several times during the meeting" to "several times per day." Your ad is four-color, full page, run of book. Limited number of pages available.

For more information click HERE, then click on Print Program Book Advertising--RUN OF BOOK


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Program Book Advertising: B+W Full Page, Run of Book

Your black & white full page run of book advertisement is a great option for the Important Safety Information page(s) you need to include with your ad. AES will place your ISI pages contiguous to your four color branded page, of course. If you are on a tight budget, the black & white program book ad can be an effective way to get your message in front of AES key opinion leaders and buyers. 

For more information click HERE, then click on Print Program Book Advertising--RUN OF BOOK


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Print Abstract

Get your company name and message in front of attendees as soon as they pick up their name badges! The print Guide to Poster Abstracts is distributed to all attendees at registration as they are badged. Your sponsorship will be noted on the front cover and inside front cover. The back cover will feature your complimentary full page, four-color advertisement. The Guide provides a full index of the abstracts available in the poster area at the in-person meeting and on the AES Digital Select platform--a valuable and much-used item at the meeting itself and with a long shelf-life after the meeting.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Print Abstract Guide

All Annual Meeting attendees will be given a copy of the printed abstract guide for use during poster sessions. The book is expected to have a "shelf life" after the meeting as attendees use it for reference on current research and authors.  Ads are full-page and four-color. If a full-page, 4C ad is purchased and Important Safety Information pages are required, black & white ISI pages may be purchased. Currently, Cover 3 (Inside Back) is available. All other available inventory is run of book.

For more information click HERE, then click on Print Abstract Guide Advertising

$7800 - $9000

Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Sleeping Room Door Drop

Sleeping room door drops are a great way to reach AES attendees as they arrive back to their rooms at the end of a productive day of learning and networking, or head out the door in the morning for a new day of education. Your exclusive door drop can include up to five approved items--all from your company--in approved packaging. Only one exclusive door drop is sold per day. Exclusive door drops are available on Thursday 11/30, Friday 12/01, Saturday 12/02, Sunday 12/03, and Monday 12/04.  They will be delivered sleeping rooms in the AES block--including the Hilton Orlando, Hyatt Regency, Rosen Centre, Rosen Plaza, and any other contracted properties with more than 100 sleeping rooms. 

Use exclusive sleeping room door drops to invite attendees to your booth, participate in special activities, promote your compound, provide general brand information about your company, and much more. 

Please note: Exclusive sleeping room door drops are distributed only to individuals in the AES room block, which typically sells out.

$15,000 to

Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Shared Sleeping Room Door Drop

Delivered Saturday evening 12/02 to over 2,500 sleeping rooms in the AES block, including the Hilton Orlando, Hyatt Regency, Rosen Centre, Rosen Plaza, and any other contracted properties with more than 100 sleeping rooms, your approved message on a card, flyer, brochure or in another approved format will be included in an envelope that is placed outside sleeping room doors. Up to twenty advertisements from multiple advertisers will be included in one package. Order early: this door drop may sell out.

For more information click HERE, then click on Sleeping Room Door Drop--Shared

Please note: Shared sleeping room door drops are distributed only to individuals in the AES room block, which typically sells out.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Your Ad in Lunch Boxes

Lunch time is guaranteed to attract loads of attendees to the exhibit hall as they pick up their complimentary box lunch and head to the seating area to eat. What better time to reach them--particularly if you have something special going on in your booth, product theater, or innovation pavilion right after lunch--than when they are unpacking their box lunch to see what is in it? AES will place your company’s messaging in every boxed lunch, which are distributed to about 1,700 attendees each day. This opportunity is available for lunches distributed on Saturday 12/02 or Sunday 12/03.

For more information click HERE, then click on Your Ad in Lunch Boxes


Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Note that if your company purchases an exclusive item for AES 2023, you will have Right of First Refusal for that item in 2024 (at the 2024 price) if AES offers that item or an equivalent product in 2024.








AES 2023 Meeting App Sponsorship

Frequently opened and used by attendees! The AES 2023 Meeting App will be live for a designated period prior to, during, and after the conclusion of the meeting. Heavily promoted by AES to encourage download and use. The sponsor appears on the splash screen (pictured here) and may link to the sponsor’s sitelet on the navigation bar.

For more information click HERE, then click on AES 2023 Meeting App Sponsorship


Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Sponsored Emails to AES 2023 Registrants

Land your message in the inboxes of registered attendees, first thing in the morning on your assigned day of the AES 2023 Annual Meeting—and a second time either during the two weeks preceding the meeting or during the six-week period after the meeting. You create the HTML with your messaging to be approved by AES. The subject line will indicate that the message is sponsored content. 

For more information click HERE, then click on Sponsored Emails to AES 2023 Registrants


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Epilepsy Quiz-a-Day Game

Before, during, and after the AES Annual Meeting, your logo will appear in both AES attendee and AES member inboxes for eight consecutive days when you sponsor the AES Epilepsy Quiz-A-Day game! A great way to go beyond meeting attendees and expand your impact to the full membership, quiz questions will involve a brief case presentation or diagnostic scenario (e.g. an EEG reading) that is drawn from self-assessment questions reviewed and approved by the AES Self-Assessment Committee (a sub-committee of the AES Education and Professional Development Committee). Each presentation or scenario will include one quick clinical question, which the respondent can answer by clicking on a hyperlink to a survey link. No patient identifying information will be included in the presentation or scenario or the questions. The game is short and highly focused to keep the attention of the "players." The first quiz will land in inboxes two days before the start of the AES meeting. It will continue over the five days of the meeting and will conclude one day after the meeting is finished, for a total of eight days. High scorers will be announced in late December or early January--again, via an email that includes your logo.

For more information click HERE, then click on Epilepsy Quiz Game Sponsorship


Need more info? Contact Angel Law

AVAILABLE Your ad in Daily Connect, the AES 2023 daily e-news


This is a limited opportunity for exhibitors with booth(s) totaling 400 square feet or less. 
Each issue of the AES 2023 daily e-news will include a maximum of one right-side skyscraper placement (160 x 600 pixels) and one ad in the footer (300 x 250 pixels). Each ad will be sold as a package of five (all five days of the daily e-news). If the package of five skyscrapers ($6000) is unsold as of 8/31, individual days will be offered at $1500 each. If the package of five footers ($5000) is unsold as of 8/31, individual days will be offered at $1200 each. AES reserves the right to prioritize smaller companies and nonprofit organizations when assigning this inventory.     

For more information click HERE, then click on Ad in AES 2023 Daily eNews

$1200 to $6000

Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Display Advertising to AES Audience

Check this out: your digital ad will follow visitors to the AES Annual Meeting website for 3 months—from September 15 to December 15! Potential and actual registrants who stop by to check on the AES 2023 schedule, program, and other information will be cookied so your ad appears when those users browse other websites. This is an exclusive that is available to one advertiser only.

For more information click HERE, then click on Display Advertising to AES Audience


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Online Abstract Search

Get your logo on a prominent page of the AES website for 3 months! AES members and other users go to the AES online abstract search to find the research they seek. Several years of abstracts are included and searchable by keyword, year, date range, and track. On the abstract search landing page, the sponsorship will be recognized under the search bar. Sponsorship of this page will be recognized for three months, starting when the embargo is lifted about two weeks prior to the start of the AES Annual Meeting.

For more information click HERE, then click on Online Abstract Search


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Your Logo on Interactive Floor Plan

Get extra attention to your brand and booth location when attendees check out the interactive floor plan and exhibitor list on the AES website and in the AES 2023 meeting app. This opportunity is available only to exhibitors with booths of 400 square feet or larger.

For more information click HERE, then click on Your Logo on Interactive Exhibit Hall Floor Plan


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Note that if your company purchases an exclusive item for AES 2023, you will have Right of First Refusal for that item in 2024 (at the 2024 price) if AES offers that item or an equivalent product in 2024.







Media Wall Advertising
100 Square Feet of Your Digital Content

Your ad on-screen from Thursday evening until Monday afternoon. 100 square foot screen size. Video or static ads. No sound. Length: 10, 15, 30, or 60 seconds. Maximum loop: 10 minutes. AES can convert a PowerPoint deck into a media wall ad. Placement of the media wall will be visible in a high traffic area in the West Hall C lobby area, near AES registration and Exhibit Hall entrance. 

10-second: $2,500
30-second: $4,800
60-second: $8,000
3-pack of 10-second ads spaced in loop for maximum impact: $5,250

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Exhibit Hall Entrance Carpet Decal 

Your logo on a 100 square foot floor decal cannot be missed by attendees walking into the exhibit hall. Located just inside the entrance of the hall, your 10’ x 10’ decal is the size of a small exhibit booth, and attendees will see it over and over as they enter the hall to visit exhibitors, posters, the career center…and to get their box lunch each day.

Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Footprints to Your Booth

A path of footprint decals on the exhibit floor—from the Exhibit Hall door to your booth or from a food service station to your booth—add up to one big message that attendees will see repeatedly as they walk through the Exhibit Hall. Only two sets will be sold. The advertiser provides approved design to GES for production. AES will provide production, installation, and removal for up to 100 floor decals. Additional or custom decals may incur an additional fee.

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Hanging Banner


Hang out where the high traffic will be! This 189 square feet hanging vinyl banner, branded with your company’s logo and booth number highly visible to attendees walking from the convention center entrance and hotels to the registration area and exhibit hall. It can also be seen by those riding the escalator down from education sessions. Banner size is 27’ x 7’. 


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Escalator Clings

Your company’s message will be prominently displayed on escalator clings as you enter the Hall C lobby of the Orange County Convention Center from the main entrance or the Hyatt headquarter hotel. Registration and the Exhibit Hall entrance are in this area, so all attendees will be passing through. The escalators lead to level 3 where most of the AES educational programming will take place.

Four panels available, to be sold in sets of two. Or take all four! Approximately 41’ long x  2’ high

$25,000 per two panels

Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Free-standing Double-sided Signs

Display your marketing message or product information on one or more of these double-sided freestanding 8' x 3' signs placed in high-traffic areas in the Convention Center.

Six of these signs are available. Until 8/31/2023, these are reserved for exhibitors with commercial booths of 400 square feet or less. After 9/8/2023, any exhibitor may buy them. 


Limit two per company.

$5500 per sign

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Aisle Signs in Exhibit Hall

Display your company logo prominently on vertical hanging aisle signs that will help attendees navigate the busy Exhibit Hall. Your logo, company name and/or booth number will appear in a 4’ by 1’ space at the bottom of the 4’ by 12’ hanging sign in alternating aisles. Expected number of aisle signs (total) is twelve to fourteen; the aisle sign sponsor will appear on one-half of the signs, or an estimated six to seven.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Park Benches in Exhibit Hall

Two benches strategically placed in a high traffic exhibit hall aisle with your 47.5” x 15.25”ad affixed on the back of both, and two 50” x 25” floor decals. Attendees will see your message coming and going as they visit booths and get their lunches or coffee.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Exhibit Hall Lunch Table Ads


This is a limited opportunity for non-profit exhibiting organizations that are members of the Epilepsy Leadership Council.

Reach attendees when they are relaxing for a moment during meals in the Exhibit Hall seating area. Your AES-approved message, which must be printed on heavy card stock, will be placed in a metal stanchion or on the table as a tent card in the lunch area in the Exhibit Hall. Maximum 5” x 7” final size advertisement. Piece may be two-sided.

$200 per package of 25 tables for 3 days

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Note that if your company purchases an exclusive item for AES 2023, you will have Right of First Refusal for that item in 2024 (at the 2024 price) if AES offers that item or an equivalent product in 2024.






28 Skywalk Banners (between Convention Center & HQ hotel)
It’s a pleasant walk on the skyway between the Convention Center and the Hyatt (the AES headquarters hotel). You can be sure that AES KOLs will see your message many times both coming and going over the course of the five-day meeting as they walk between the education sessions and other Convention Center activities and their meetings, events, and sleeping rooms in the Hyatt. The fourteen double-sided banners—seven on each side of the walkway—measure approximately 90 inches by 12 inches. The panel designs can be the same or different.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


560 Square Foot Hanging Banner—Convention Center Entrance

Visible from many AES sleeping rooms in the Hyatt Headquarters hotel, and by anyone walking from the Hyatt to the convention center, your 560 square foot (20 feet wide by 28 feet high) mesh hanging banner cannot be missed. It will hang over the main entrance to the convention center that will take attendees to the registration area and the exhibit hall, then up to the education sessions. 

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Note that if your company purchases an exclusive item for AES 2023, you will have Right of First Refusal for that item in 2024 (at the 2024 price) if AES offers that item or an equivalent product in 2024.







Premium Passport to Prizes Sponsorship
Looking to bring lots of traffic to your booth? This sponsorship will get the job done. Your company's booth will serve as the drop off location for completed Passports to Prizes. Each afternoon, an exciting prize drawing will be held in your booth! Price includes your company’s participation fee. All prizes are provided by AES.  


Need more info? Contact Angel Law

Passport to Prizes Booth Traffic Promotion

Bring AES attendees to your commercial booth, medical affairs booth, or pavilion with this popular booth traffic promotion. Attendees get “Passport” stamped at your booth. Daily prize drawing. Participation is limited to twenty companies.

Order early: passport slots typically sell out before the deadline

$2500 per slot

Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Speed Networking Sponsorship
Fast, fun, and aligned with the AES mission of supporting early career epilepsy professionals. This popular event brings together the most accomplished professionals with the brightest clinical and research minds in epilepsy's future. Three sessions will be promoted by AES, featuring your support in promotional messaging and in signage at each session. Speed networking will be located in the AES Career Center on the exhibit floor.

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Step Challenge Sponsorship—Leader Board with Your Logo! 
   This sponsorship supports a high-engagement health-oriented activity that will pump up the buzz all meeting long. Both attendees and AES members who are not attending will be invited to download a simple app that will count their steps over a specified number of days during the AES meeting. With all the walking we will be doing around the convention center and hotel campus, the number of steps will add up quickly! AES will promote the activity in AES newsletters leading up to the meeting, in a program book ad, in the mobile app, and on onsite signage--all mentioning your company's support. The leaderboard, which will feature your logo, will be displayed from Thursday evening until Tuesday on the high-traffic area near the entrance to registration and the Exhibit Hall.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


AVAILABLE Cell Phone Charging Station Sponsorship

Get attendees charged up with conveniently located cell phone charging stations inside and outside the exhibit hall. Secure doors lock and protect up to 6-12 devices. Stations are surrounded by a branded panel and include a customizable 19" LED Display for static or video (no sound). Full exterior wrap of the unit. Interactive polling, survey, or other data gathering on the touch screen. Stations inside the Exhibit Hall can be branded. Company logos only outside the Exhibit Hall.

The six cell phone chargers will your ad will be sold as an exclusive package. If it is unsold as of 8/31, this product will be unbundled and individual units will be available.

$6500 to

Package of 6 Chargers

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Attendee Lounge

Your company’s logo and message will appear several times around the perimeter of a popular destination on the exhibit floor—the attendee lounge. It’s a convenient place to take a minute to relax in the midst of visiting exhibitors or to have informal conversations with colleagues. Showcased in a 20’ x 30’ space with a perimeter waist-high “wall” that includes your logo on 6 to 8 GEM panels, your lounge will be filled with comfortable furniture, a table or two, and your company’s brochure in a literature rack. Attendees can sit, chat, and unwind in this space. 


Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Career Center

The AES Career Center, located in the exhibit hall, will help attract traffic to the hall. The career fair, on track to sell out again this year, will happen within the Career Center—which means that your sponsorship of the Center will be noticed by attendees. It will be promoted (noting your sponsorship) prior to arrival in Orlando, in an ad in the program book, and on signage at the event.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Complimentary Coat and Bag Check Sponsorship

Great opportunity to get five days of visibility for your brand—all outside of the Exhibit Hall! Attendees drop off coats and store their bags--some using the service every day. You can provide claim tickets with your message. Supported by on-site signage with your logo. Located near the registration area.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Pop-up Popcorn Stand

Lure attendees to your location with the smell of popcorn! Your pop-up popcorn stand will delight attendees for approximately 4 hours/day. Possible locations: Exhibit Hall floor or outside scientific exhibits. Your company name and logo on bags and attendant t-shirt.

$5,750 per day

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Pop-up Event Sponsorship

Time to get creative! Let’s discuss your idea. Shhh… we will want to surprise the crowd with these.

Price based on event

Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Note that if your company purchases an exclusive item for AES 2023, you will have Right of First Refusal for that item in 2024 (at the 2024 price) if AES offers that item or an equivalent product in 2024.







Women in Epilepsy Professions Luncheon Sponsorship

Up to 100 professionals across all career stages in epilepsy research, clinical care, education, or other professions. Tickets on a first come first-served basis. Provides a place for open and supportive networking and communication around the specific challenges often faced by women as members of the professional epilepsy community. Includes speaker and panel discussion on topics identified during the ticket application process. Sponsor identified in signage, on table tent cards, and opportunity for brief remarks from the podium.


If not sold by August 31, non-exclusive pricing may be available

Need more info? Contact Angel Law

AVAILABLE President's Reception Sponsorship
Multiple sponsors at a minimum of $10,000 support this invitation-only gathering of key leaders in the epilepsy field. Your company or organization will be recognized in emailed invitations, plus your name and logo will appear on signage at the event acknowledging your support. In addition, your support will be recognized in remarks made by leaders at the event.
$10,000 to $25,000

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



AES Fellows Welcome and Orientation 

The AES Fellows program attracts some of the best and brightest early-career talent in epilepsy. Your sponsorship of the AES Fellows welcome and orientation will be featured in the program book description of the event, in signage at the welcome orientation and dinner, and in the AES 2023 meeting app.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Package of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Activities and Events

AES recognizes that the future of exemplary epilepsy care depends on a workforce of top-notch clinicians and researchers from a wide range of backgrounds. The Society is committed to doing its part to develop medical and scientific professionals who reflect the diversity of our culture and to ensure all are included equitably in opportunities to build productive careers. To that end, AES has developed a package of activities that is available for sponsorship support. Included are these programs and events:  (1) Broadening Representation, Inclusion, and Diversity by Growing Equity (BRIDGE) Poster Session; (2) Mentoring breakfast for up to forty invited participants at AES 2023; (3) Summer intern program that places up to ten undergraduates interested in brain science in top laboratories run by AES members across the country; and (4) an invitation-only event in Orlando for high school students interested in potential medical or research careers. As the exclusive sponsor, your company will be recognized in all communication and promotion about these events—including applications, emails, AES 2023 meeting app, AES website, advertisements, signage, and podium mentions.



Eileen Murray

AVAILABLE Epilepsy Leadership Council (ELC) Luncheon

Here’s a great way to connect with the leaders of the epilepsy patient and advocacy community! Your company’s sponsorship of the group's annual luncheon at AES will be noted in the invitation to the event, on tent cards on the tables, and in the short remarks you are invited to make. Most ELC organizations attend the AES Annual Meeting and this luncheon.

Also available: opportunities for general support of the ELC and/or support of specific initiatives through grants. 


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


AVAILABLE Leadership Breakfast Sponsorship

The Leadership Breakfast is an invitation-only event that brings together a large group of AES key opinion leaders--including the board of directors, council chairs, and committee chairs. Multiple sponsors may support this event. Your will be recognized in invitations to the event, on signage outside the event and at the buffet tables, and from the podium. 


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


AVAILABLE Resident EEG Course

Support this live 2-day EEG Course for 40 neurology residents, who will be introduced to the current practice of EEG during AES Annual Meeting in Orlando. You can be an exclusive sponsor of this event for $36,000. If the exclusive sponsorship is not sold by 8/31, non-exclusive sponsorships of $9000 will be offered. Your company will be recognized in promotional and informational materials disseminated about the event--including those sent to program directors, and in signage at the event. You will also get a mention from faculty at the event.

$9000 to

Need more info? Contact Angel Law


AVAILABLE Resident Neurosurgery Course

Support this live 2-day epilepsy surgery course targeted at mid-senior level neurology and neurosurgery residents. The curriculum covers the evaluation of patients for epilepsy surgery and the process of these surgeries. Twenty residents will be selected to participate, by application only. You can be an exclusive sponsor of this event for $36,000. If the exclusive sponsorship is not sold by 8/31, non-exclusive sponsorships of $9000 will be offered. Your company will be recognized in promotional and informational materials disseminated about the event--including those sent to program directors, and in signage at the event. You will also get a mention from faculty at the event.

$9000 to

Need more info? Contact Angel Law


AVAILABLE Small Group Invitational Education Presentations

Looking to provide education to a specific invitation-only audience? All meetings of any kind that involve AES Annual Meeting attendees must be approved by AES through its In Conjunction With (ICW) process, and AES does not allow education or training to be delivered via an ICW meeting. Small groups of learners with specific characteristics or needs (e.g., instruction delivered in a foreign language) may request approval for an Invitational Education Presentation. $5,000 for groups up to 16 learners; $10,000 for groups of 17 to 32 learners.

$5,000 to

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Note that if your company purchases an exclusive item for AES 2023, you will have Right of First Refusal for that item in 2024 (at the 2024 price) if AES offers that item or an equivalent product in 2024.








Exhibit Hall Opening Sponsorship

The biggest buzz of the meeting! Outside the Exhibit Hall, a musical group wearing t-shirts with your logo will focus attention, gather attendees, and build excitement for the Exhibit Hall opening. What will they play? Jazz? Country? You help us pick the music style! Musicians will lead attendees into the hall and play as attendees enter. Your support will be noted on signage at the Exhibit Hall entrance (which is in the same high-traffic area as registration) from Thursday afternoon until the opening itself and in the AES 2023 daily e-news.

Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Attendee Reception

Welcome one and all to the exhibit hall on Saturday evening with your sponsorship of the Attendee Reception. Scheduled during the last hour that the hall is open, attendees are invited to enjoy light refreshments as they visit booths. Your sponsorship will be recognized on signage, in email promotion of the event, and in broadcast announcements during the reception. You may also provide custom napkins for the event with your logo and booth number.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Ribbon Wall Sponsorship

Hey, look at this! It’s fun, it’s high traffic!! Your sponsorship will make badge ribbons “a thing”, with a heavily promoted ribbon wall sponsorship. Sponsor signage in the ribbon area, picture is a rough approx. of a possible look. AES distributes thousands of stick-and-stack name badge ribbons at its Annual Meeting each year to recognize Board members, faculty, committee members, Fellows of the American Epilepsy Society (FAES), first-time attendees, anniversary year members (5 years, 10 years, etc.), donors, and more. To promote new and repeat visits to the area throughout the five-day meeting, we’ll have a fun “Ribbon of the Day” (or several) that any and all can come by and pick up. Your company will have it’s own ribbon/area, as well as prominent signage near the registration area.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Sponsorship of the Broadening Representation, Inclusion, and Diversity by Growing Equity (BRIDGE) Poster Session

The BRIDGE poster session features research by professionals who identify with groups that are historically underrepresented in epilepsy medicine and science and/or work that addresses the issues and needs of medically underserved people and communities. The sponsoring company will be recognized on signage in the registration area, at the event, in AES 2023 daily e-news promoting the event, and in remarks at the event.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law

Special Interest Group (SIG) + Investigators Workshops (IW) Sponsorships

Attach your brand to a special topic or issue in epilepsy with your support of a Special Interest Group (SIG) meeting or an Investigator Workshop (IW). These popular education sessions provide attendees the opportunity to connect, exchange information, share resources, and conduct in-depth discussions during 90-minute meetings about the topic. Your support will be recognized from the podium, in the AES 2023 meeting app, and on signage in or near the exhibit hall that recognizes all the ways you are supporting AES 2023. Multiple sponsors are allowed for individual SIGs and IWs.  

$5000 Each

Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Poster Session
Morning Coffee

Monday morning 12/04 in the poster area of the Exhibit Hall. Sponsor receives signage and acknowledgment during the morning coffee break; additionally, signage and acknowledgment are in Program Book. You may provide branded napkins. Signage at each food and beverage station and acknowledgment on signage announcing your company’s total support will be displayed in two different high-traffic locations


Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Exhibit Hall Coffee Breaks

Everyone needs a pick-up mid-morning or mid-afternoon and the break you sponsor will get them to your message. You may provide branded napkins. Signage at each food and beverage station and acknowledgment on signage announcing your company’s total support will be displayed in two different high-traffic locations. Total of 3 coffee breaks Sunday – Monday.

$7800 each

Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Exhibit Hall Boxed Lunches for All

Everyone comes into the Exhibit Hall hungry and the boxed lunches you sponsor will get them to your message. You may provide branded napkins. Signage at each food and beverage station and acknowledgment on signage announcing your company’s total support will be displayed in two different high-traffic locations. Saturday, Sunday, and Monday available.

(each day)

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Hoyer Lecture Sponsorship

Opportunity to support patient outreach that includes accredited medical education. The lecture targets both the professional and patient communities. Your support is mentioned in signage and at the beginning of the lecture. The lecture will be a live webcast.

$5000 per sponsorship

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Hoyer Lecture Live Webcast

Your company will be featured as the Webcast supporter and identified for one year as the supporter of the enduring content on YouTube and the AES online learning portal.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Wine Event Sponsorship

Sponsor credited in promotion of the event, program book ad, signage in the reg area and at event, and logo on napkins. A must-do event for many AES current and past leaders. All proceeds after expenses are added to research grant endowments (Susan Spencer Fund and Lennox and Lombroso Trust) that support AES early-career grant program that helps to grow the epilepsy talent pipeline.

Need more info? Contact Angel Law




Wine Tasting Game Sponsorship

A blind tasting game at AES Wine Event. Add to the fun at the wine event with this game that’s a favorite with many AES KOLs. See who gets bragging rights for their skill in identifying the varietal, country, and vintage of five mystery wines. Your company’s sponsorship of the Puzzle is noted on labels (or brown paper bags!) that hide the identity of the mystery wines. Note that this opportunity will not be sold until after the Wine Event Sponsorship is sold. Proceeds benefit AES early career research funds

Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Note that if your company purchases an exclusive item for AES 2023, you will have Right of First Refusal for that item in 2024 (at the 2024 price) if AES offers that item or an equivalent product in 2024.







Product Theater

Up to four one-hour long promotional Product Theater slots are available in the Exhibit Hall at AES. Maximum attendance is 90 to 100 people. These sessions provide a focused, high-value live marketing opportunity for exhibitors to reach physicians, advanced practice providers, and other healthcare professionals with product and patient education information. 

Product Theater


Satellite Symposia

Approved industry-sponsored satellite symposia and workshops are available both for CME and non-CME. Limited number of slots available by application, which must be reviewed and approved by the AES Council on Education. Must meet the learning needs of AES members. May not duplicate the educational content of the 2022 AES Annual Meeting. Content must be based on the highest level of available evidence at the time of the symposium or workshop. Symposium organizers are responsible for generating their own audience.

$32,000 plus $500 application fee Satellite Symposium Application


Scientific Exhibits

Scientific Exhibits are opportunities for your company’s scientists to share information about the current state of your company’s research by presenting a series of posters in a half-day or full-day session. Scientific Exhibits differ from traditional poster presentations in that a far broader range of material can be presented as a collection of topics (i.e., results of various clinical trials), or a thematic presentation of one aspect of drug development (i.e., all preclinical material). 

$6,000 to

Scientific Exhibit Application


Equipment Auction

Focus the attention of epilepsy professionals squarely on your product by donating a piece of equipment for the AES 2023 auction. AES members  will see your product in emails and on the AES website! Proceeds benefit AES research funds.

Capital Goods Valued at
$5000 or More

Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Note that if your company purchases an exclusive item for AES 2023, you will have Right of First Refusal for that item in 2024 (at the 2024 price) if AES offers that item or an equivalent product in 2024.







Named Fellows Grants

Top-notch epilepsy researchers don’t just happen. Their professional growth depends in part on the research support they receive in their early career years, and AES is one of the largest non-governmental sources of research grants. Your company can attach its name to this important part of the AES mission with a Named Fellows Grant, and your support will be recognized on the AES website for a year and in outreach to AES members to encourage applications for this grant. Your support will help attract the best and brightest to choose epilepsy as a career.

Starting at $25,000


Justin Searle


Research Grant Support

The American Epilepsy Society research program is well-respected and an important source of funding in the epilepsy field—particularly for early career professionals. Part of fulfilling our mission is a strong commitment to funding basic and clinical projects that identify and deliver answers to both treating and curing epilepsy and  improving the lives of people living with epilepsy. Your company can advance this effort by making a grant to support AES research generally or for support of a specific aspect of the program—for example: seed grants, infrastructure grants, pre- and postdoctoral fellowships, clinical research, and much more.

Starting at $5000


Justin Searle



Career Center

The AES Career Center, located in the exhibit hall, will help attract traffic to the hall. The career fair, on track to sell out again this year, will happen within the Career Center—which means that your sponsorship of the Center will be noticed by attendees. It will be promoted (noting your sponsorship) prior to arrival in Orlando, in an ad in the program book, and on signage at the event.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Resume Workshop

It’s an active job market out there and many AES attendees are either looking for a new position or thinking about testing the waters. Led by an experienced healthcare recruiter, this first-time-at-AES workshop will offer tips for creating a breakthrough resume. This one-hour session will be held in the AES Career Center, where the two-day AES Career Fair will also be held. Note that this is a group activity, and no one-on-one resume assistance will be offered. Your sponsorship will be promoted in pre-meeting attendee communications, the print program book, onsite and Career Center signage, and in or near the AES Member Center.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law



Interview Skills Workshop

The job interview—no matter the career stage, it’s the moment when AES members need to demonstrate their expertise and fit for an open position. Led by an experienced healthcare career coach, this first-time-at-AES workshop will offer tips for breakthrough messaging during that all-important job conversation with an employer. This one-hour session will be held in the AES Career Center, where the two-day AES Career Fair will also be held. Note that this is a group activity, and no one-on-one career or interview coaching will be offered. Your sponsorship will be promoted in pre-meeting attendee communications, the print program book, onsite and Career Center signage, and in or near the AES Member Center.


Need more info? Contact Angel Law


Career Fair Table
(onsite in Career Center)

Get your outreach table in the popular AES Career Center on the exhibit floor in Orlando so AES attendees can connect with you in person. Commit early—the in-person option sold out in 2022! The two-day Career Fair will be supported by advertising in the AES program book and Career Fair Guide, plus emails to attendees.  Includes your ad in the print Career Fair guide, three 60-day job postings, and 60-day access to the resume database.


Need more info? Contact:
Samantha Couture


Online Career Fair

Cannot make it to Orlando? You can still reach AES attendees through the online career fair with your full-page ad in the Career Fair Guide, plus three 30-day job postings and 30-day access to the resume database.

$2500 each


Samantha Couture


Digital Recruitment Guide

Let AES members know what is special about working at your organization, institution, or company—or promote open positions!—in your full-page ad or your video in the new Digital Recruitment Guide. To be published in early July 2023, this resource will be promoted to AES members through email and on the AES website. Includes one 30-day job posting and 30-day access to the resume database. 

 Packages starting at $1250


Samantha Couture