Towards Precision Toxicology

A new scientific approach

The aim of the international PrecisionTox project is to better protect the health of people and the environment by establishing New Approach Methodologies (NAMs) for chemical safety testing using a mix of genomics, metabolomics, evolutionary theory, quantitative genetics, data science, toxicology, and law. We use human cell lines and a diverse suite of well-established biomedical model organisms — fruit flies, water fleas, round worms, and embryos of frogs and zebrafish — as well as artificial intelligence (AI) approaches to uncover molecular toxicity pathways shared across the animal kingdom. The result is a new regulatory paradigm based on greater certainty at predicting which chemicals cause harm to humans without causing harm to other animals.

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Pillars of the project


Replace traditional animal testing with an evolutionarily diverse suite of biomedical model organisms from multiple branches of the tree of life.

Variation in

Determine safe levels of exposure to chemicals based on genetic variation.


Collaborate with regulators and other key stakeholders in project planning, selection of chemicals for investigation, and case studies for applying Precision Toxicology in policy and law.

News & Press


“There is no regulatory acceptance, but we are advancing in terms of scientific robustness,” ASPIS members shared their insights on the SOT.

“We are approached by undergraduate students who are interested in what ASPIS is doing,” celebrates Jonathan Freedman. If you are part of the toxicology community,…

Policy Brief on Socio – Technical Barriers to the Uptake of NAMs

Read here about the main finding of the PrecisionTox empirical study: The research highlights the interconnectedness between different socio-technical barriers; for example, while legislation is…

Read the Report on Socio-Technical Barriers to the Uptake of NAMs here

Over the past decade, considerable progress has been made in developing new approach methodologies (NAMs) for chemical risk assessment employing in vitro, in silico, and…

Winter Newsletter 2023

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EU project PrecisionTox had breakfast with Member of European Parliament Jutta Paulus (Greens/EFA).
Summer Newsletter (#7)
ASPIS cluster letter 22 march 2023
Press Release – PrecisionTox at SOT Nashville 2023
Leveraging NAMs To Achieve 100% Compliance In REACH Dossier