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DSC Convention & Sporting Expo! / January 5-8 / 2023 Dallas, Texas


  • Booth: 4567

Welcome to JSS and DLS, offering hunts in Zimbabwe and Moz..

John Sharp and David Langerman provide tailor made safaris designed around your preferences and requirements. Hunts for buffalo, leopard, lion and plains game in a lowveld conservancy offering exceptional camps and a chance to see all of the Big 5. This location is suitable for spouses and families, as well as dedicated hunters. Other areas are Nyakasanga, SAVE, Matetsi and Sikumi Forest for elephant. We also offer hunts in Niassa where daytime leopards are taken from within 50 yards, plus buffalo and excellent plains game, many of which are not found in Zimbabwe.

Brands: Brands: Buffalo, Leopard, Lion, Kudu, Sable, Nyala, Eland, Hyena, Wildebeest, Zebra, Impala, Warthog, Photographic, Fishing, Birding