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DSC Convention & Sporting Expo! / January 5-8 / 2023 Dallas, Texas

Trophy Consultants International (TCI)

  • Booth: 2337

TCI helps preserve memories from your African safari

Trophy Consultants International understand that capturing and preserving the memories of your hunt is paramount to the overall success of your safari - so that's where we begin by making sure that we fully understand and share YOUR vision of the completed trophy. We offer a range of services to our clients including dip and pack, taxidermy, curios, leather tanning and custom leather makeups. 

Our extensive networks with the freighting world offer numerous, expert services and advice to help get your trophies home safely to their final destinations. Let us help you preserve your memories!

Brands: Dip and pack, taxidermy, curios, leather tanning and makeups. Extensive networks with the freighting world offers you numerous, expert service and advice to final destinations.