Small Island Co. Ltd.

  • Booth: 1925

By using our small electric device, "Oil-less Fryer", you will save oil in frying food. REDUCTION OF OIL ABSORPTION BY FOOD By generating an electric potential in the oil, oil and water are separated, suppressing the oil intake rate. EXTEND THE LIFE OF THE OIL Prolong the life of the oil by separating the moisture that causes degradation. REDUCING FRYING TIME Applying an electric potential allows for quick transmission of temperature to the core. INCREASED DELICIOUSNESS OF FRIED DISHES Moisture evaporates rapidly, resulting in a crispy batter. SUPPRESSES OIL SCATTERING IN SPACE By minimizing stress during oil cooking, improve the kitchen and store environment. COMPATIBLE WITH A WIDE VARIETY OF FRYERS Can also be installed in pot-type fryers. Please come to our booth for a demonstration!