
767 Whiteoaks Ln
Highland Park,  IL  60035-3656

United States
  • Booth: B13058


  • Fomoro Automated Visual Inspection
    Simple visual inspection system to automate manual visual inspection. Easy to retrofit to existing lines....

  • Fomoro Automated Visual Inspection

    Our system is fast to set up, simple to learn, and easy to use.

    Fast setup

    30 minutes to set up the hardware, 30 minutes to set up a job.

    Easy to use

    Manage your jobs using our beautifully simple app.

    Accessible anywhere

    Stay in the loop with your jobs from mobile or the web.

    Endlessly flexible

    Supports conveyor belts, extrusions, static cells, even 3D inspection.

    High-mix environments

    Inspect different parts or products with the same system.

    Small footprint

    Integrates easily with existing lines while saving space.

    True automation

    Connect to downstream controllers (linear actuators) to automatically sort out defects.

    Low maintenance

    Set it and forget it.

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