Weld Fixture Specialists

Rentapen is dedicated to reducing costs in Weld Fixtures for manufacturers.

Our team provides manufacturers.

Excellence in Weld Fixture Design & Build
RAPid Tooling Components™
RAPid Shims™
RAPid Trunnions™

Order FREE 3D CAD Models of our RAPid Tooling Components™ and place them in your designs. Start saving today!

Weld Fixture Specialists

You can relax knowing your project is in expert hands at Rentapen.
You can relax knowing that we will follow YOUR companies standards.
You can relax because we keep you posted on our progress, send you images, and you can make adjustments to the design along the way.

You can relax because we make it EASY for you with our:

Modular design approach taken
Precision adjustment shim designed into fixtures used to create consistent parts that meet YOUR product tolerance specifications.
Change-over capability so that you weld similar parts in the same fixture with a quick change over.

We will meet with you at your place or ours

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