Repair Service & Replacement Solutions
Dynatect offers repair through its Michigan and Wisconsin facilities. All brands of telescopic covers and precision ball screws (even acme or lead screws) can be restored, tested, and quickly returned. Evaluations are thorough and free, and replacements are always quoted as an option.
Dynatect’s products are designed for high repetition, high speed, and durable performance in harsh applications. Some environments are so extreme that motion/protective devices need to be repaired or replaced as a part of a Maintenance – Repair – Operations (MRO) process.
Dynatect offers reliable repair of ANY BRAND ball screw, telescopic covers, and roll up covers. Dynatect also provides replacement of consumable goods like wipers and bellows. Dynatect can make and repair the most extreme ball screws including units 67 feet long and 6 inches in diameter. Dynatect can make and repair the most extreme telescopic covers including unit 64 feet long, 18 feet wide, and 17 continuous sections. Dynatect is the global leader in way wipers providing stock way wiper sticks, telescopic wipers and parts, and custom way wipers. Dynatect has the broadest portfolio of bellows with 15 different construction capabilities and hundreds of high performance materials meeting the needs of diverse industries from machine tool, to space exploration, to medical. Rely on Dynatect to keep you machines and applications dynamically protected.