PO Box 1148
Pryor,  OK  74362-1148

United States
  • Booth: S15023


  • WF1827A
    The HE&M Saw WF1827A is a dual column wide flange band saw with a capacity of 27” W x 18” H....

  • The HE&M Saw WF1827A is a dual column wide flange band saw with a capacity of 27” W x 18” H.  The saw is well known for sawing excellence in cutting bundles and structural shapes. This is largely due to the engineering that went into the design of the saw.  The 9.2-degree positive blade cant is designed to facilitate better blade-tooth loading while also aiding in relieving stresses in beams, reducing blade pinching problems and providing faster cut times.  Full stroking bi-directional vises, including the bar-feed’s shuttle vise, greatly reduce the chance for bundle straps or crooked material to hang up on vises as the material advances through the saw during the cutting process. 

    The WF1827A now comes standard with HE&M Saw’s Smart Saw® control, a touch screen that allows the operator to set the saw up to cut manual, semi-automatic, or fully automatic jobs. The jobs are easily entered and stored in a job library for later recall and use.  The control’s Smart Saw Connect® will be compatible with MTConnect®, the non-proprietary manufacturing technical standard designed so that data can be exchanged between software applications and equipment on the shop floor.  MTConnect® is designed to allow all machine tools to speak a common language for the purpose of visualizing efficiency and data.  Our efforts at HE&M Saw are geared around designing and manufacturing equipment that will last longer, perform more efficiently and be more productive, providing a much faster ROI for our customers.  Being innovative and generating systems such as Smart Saw Connect® ensures that the customer is getting equipment that will accomplish that goal.

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