
Kauppanelioe 3
Seinajoki,  Etela-Pohjanmaa  60120

  • Booth: S36014


  • VaskiPUNCH
    With the fully electric VaskiPUNCH, you can better meet your customer’s growing need to operate in line with sustainable development goals. VaskiPUNCH consumes significantly less electricity than hydraulic machinery....

  • The VaskiPUNCH contains several impressive features:

    • Fully servo-controlled by CNC axes.
    • The PUNCH features progressive stroke control for high tonnage and high speed.
    • Mechanically operated unloading system that automatically drops finished parts to a lower level for further processing for the operator.
    • Optional device for further automation.
    • The vertical automatic loading unit accommodates manually loaded bars in a space-efficient vertical cassette system.
    • The Vaski CAM is a dedicated CAM package for pro- cessing flat bar in a real time 3D environment.

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