AS-Interface Organization North America

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  • Booth: W5369

 Press Releases

  • Sorting 1800 cartons per hour to the correct vehicle for further transport by parcel services requires either a considerable number of people, or a flexible and cost-effective intralogistics solution like the RIELEC Fit Sorter package sorter, which relies on ASi-5 and ASi Safety from Bihl+Wiedemann.

    With headquarters in Valencia, Spain, RIELEC represents a high degree of experience in industrial automation and intralogistics robotics. The internationally operating company has since 2015 developed and implemented intelligent solutions for intralogistics, RFID systems for the logistics sector, conveying systems and custom-tailored software solutions. RIELEC consists of three business units: the brand RIELEC Logistics Systems, which deals with consulting, conception and production, installation and maintenance of material handling systems and industrial installations; CLUSTAG, the division for RFID solutions; and CODOPI, which is dedicated to the manufacturing of components for industry and design elements made of metal. When implementing projects, the focus of RIELEC is always the optimization of work processes with the goal of improving the efficiency of the logistic sequences of its customers. For this purpose, the company not only relies on the latest state of the art, but also on the integration of innovative technologies such as ASi-5.

    AS-Interface at RIELEC

    AS-Interface has long been recognized as an internationally standardized wiring system in intralogistics due to its high user comfort – simple installation, high functionality and flexibility as well as low cost. In this respect, it is not surprising that RIELEC implemented the first applications with ASi-3 motor modules from Bihl+Wiedemann as early as 2018 and now uses products from the German company in many of its machines. ASi-5 has been in use at RIELEC since 2020, as this new AS-Interface generation is a perfect fit to the requirements of RIELEC with respect to flexible automation concepts – keyword Intralogistics 4.0. The ASi-5 technology from Bihl+Wiedemann enables not only configurable and expandable designs of the machine in the engineering phase, but also more flexible and therefore faster production processes, since AS-Interface allows both safe and standard signals to be simply integrated into the machines just where they are needed. And because the efficient nature of the ASi-5 installation concept means that machines can be assembled and, when necessary, disassembled in a much shorter time with less effort and material, no additional connectors are required and programming and commissioning with AS-Interface is simpler than with other systems, thereby RIELEC is saving both installation and commissioning costs.

    RIELEC Fit Sorter package sorter

    The RIELEC Fit Sorter package sorter is an application that can automatically transport many packages from the entry point to various stations in a short period of time. For example, it can be used in a logistics center to load many delivery vehicles from parcel delivery companies having different delivery districts. Packages marked with an SKU barcode (SKU = Stock Keeping Unit, article number) are placed one after the other on a conveyor belt driven by motorized rollers, scanned and provided with a tracking code. They are then transported via a second conveyor belt to a defined discharge point, where they are pushed by pneumatic actuators from the conveyor belt and travel via roller conveyor to their final destination. For the Fit Sorter, RIELEC not only uses its CLUSTAG RFID solution, but also employs ASi-5 and ASi Safety solutions from Bihl+Wiedemann at many points in the application.

    The RIELEC Fit Sorter can sort more than 1800 packages per hour. An operator first scans the SKU barcode of an article. The system then assigns it a tracking code, which it uses to travel throughout the installation to its destination. The package is then placed on a conveyor belt. ASi-5 motor modules for two 24 V motorized rollers of type BWU4246 control the motorized rollers driving this conveyor belt and thereby regulate speed and acceleration in the respective sections. Via an ASi-5/ASi-3 PROFINET Gateway model BWU3862, which monitors the ASi system, it is also possible to display the present voltage range. And to make the status of the package also visually distinguishable in different colors, LED strips are embedded at the edge of the conveyor line. These are controlled by the ASi-5 active distributors for RGB strips (BWU4083) from Bihl+Wiedemann.

    In addition to tracking via the SKU barcode, an RFID control reading is performed using RIELEC‘s CLUSTAG RFID technology. This technology makes it possible, for example, to identify and correct incorrectly coded labels. This eliminates error sources and makes the data available to the system in real time, which in turn significantly increases the productivity of the application. After the RFID control reading, the respective package is transferred to a second conveyor belt having a large number of ejection points. Optical sensors and pneumatic actuators are installed at each of these points for ejection onto a roller conveyor.

    All these sensors and actuators along the conveyor lines are connected to ASi-5 self-configuring I/O modules BWU4231 from Bihl+Wiedemann for 16 digital I/O signals. This allows all data required by the RIELEC Fit Sorter along the conveyor line to be collected and the article to be ejected at the appropriate point. Once the package has been ejected, it is transported via a roller conveyor to its final destination.

    In the RIELEC Fit Sorter, however, ASi is not only used for the conveyor technology and pneumatics, but also for safety technology. In order to equip operator stations with the necessary means for safe and continuous operation, ASi Safety active distributors model BWU3599 are used for the required safe signals, enabling implementation of safety applications up to SIL3/PLe. The main element of the AS-Interface technology in the RIELEC Fit Sorter is the ASi-5/ASi-3 PROFINET Gateway with integrated safety monitor from Bihl+Wiedemann. It collects the process and diagnostic information of the safe and standard nodes in the network and sends all control-relevant data for processing to the PLC. If necessary, it can also take over some of the tasks of the control itself, thereby unburdening the PLC. In addition, the gateway can also transfer data to a cloud, SCADA or ERP system via integrated OPC UA server to make it available for Industry 4.0 applications, for example.

    The Fit Sorter package sorter from RIELEC is an example of how innovative technologies such as CLUSTAG-RFID and ASi-5 can help to make intralogistics processes more flexible and make them as efficient as possible for customers.

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  • ifm has supported Refresco and Tetra Pak in a “greenfield” digitization project

    Refresco Group is the leading soft drinks bottler in Europe. As co-packer, the company fills non-alcoholic beverages from numerous well-known brand manufacturers in bottles and carton packs. In France alone, the company operates four bottling plants, including one at the Le Quesnoy site. In order to meet the growing demand for both types of containers even more efficiently, Refresco decided to build a new factory here in the north of France with a capacity to fill up to 30,000 PET bottles and 8,000 cartons per hour.

    Digitization project accompanied from the outset

    “It was clear to us from the very beginning that we wanted a new building that was state of the art and, above all, that we also wanted to benefit from the advantages of digitization,” says Joseph Kerdo, project manager at Refresco France and responsible for planning the new plant.

    To realize the networked factory, the company worked closely with ifm as their digitization partner, and also with Tetra Pak, who were responsible for constructing the filling lines. “ifm supported us in the project from the very beginning, proposing the right solutions and answering all our questions,” explains Grégory Croizier, Automation Team Leader at Tetra Pak.

    AS-i and IO-Link for digital data transmission

    An infrastructure of IO-Link and AS-Interface was designed for reliable digital data exchange. The advantage of IO-Link over analog wiring is the decentralized bundling of sensor information via IO-Link masters installed in the field, to which the sensors are connected via unscreened, standardized 5-pole cables. This simplifies wiring and reduces the error potential in the sensor connection. Since data transmission is digital only, measurement data is not distorted by conversion processes. EMC effects, too, cannot affect the information.

    Simple, flexible, versatile

    AS-i is used to connect the valves and for the process level. Grégory Croizier explains the reasons: “For us, AS-i offers the advantage of simple, well-prepared planning and an equally trouble-free implementation.

    ”AS-i shows its advantages especially when widely distributed data points are connected. Only a two-wire flat cable is required for data transmission and power supply to the connected sensors. The cable length can be up to 1,000 meters when using standard cables and repeaters. Longer distances of up to 3,000 meters can also be bridged using fiber optic cables. Sensors and masters can be connected to the AS-i cable flexibly and precisely at any point using the insulation displacement technology.

    Another advantage: AS-i can be combined with IO-Link – as has been the case in the Refresco project. The decentralized sensors on the individual plant components are bundled via AS-i-compatible IO-Link masters and then transmitted to the PLC and the IT level via the AS-i infrastructure. Even safety-related applications, such as the monitoring of manholes, can be implemented using AS-i thanks to the safety portfolio.

    “IO-Link and AS-i greatly simplify data architecture,” confirms Grégory Croizier. “The data is consistently available and the customer benefits from easy, reliable maintenance because the diagnostic options are much better than before. Another advantage is that components can be easily replaced without having to be reprogrammed.”


    Given the flexible possibilities and easy handling of IO-Link and AS-Interface, Tetra Pak was able to plan and implement the bottling plant digitisation for the Refresco Bluebird project quickly and easily. Refresco itself also enjoys various benefits: more accurate sensor information, better diagnostic options and easy maintenance.

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  • By replacing the old stainless steel gateways, many IIoT benefits can be taken advantage of. This is an important reason for being awarded this airport project, in which several hundred gateways are in use. Precise positioning and 100 % reliable detection via RFID lay additional foundations for success. The gateway, which is only 38 mm wide, boasts a compact design and cost efficiency with a high-resolution external color display. Bridged spring terminals enable UL-compliant installation, even up to 2 x 8 A on the dual gateway. The highlight, however, is the parallel diagnostics function via the REST API protocol.

    The New Terminal 5 at Xi‘an Airport in China

    One example of the market success of the KE5 ASi-3 gateways from Pepperl+Fuchs is the new terminal 5 project at the Xi‘an airport in China — comparable to Berlin in terms of population. A conscious decision was made to use the widespread ASi-3 standard, which is especially robust and has been tried and tested. In addition, this enables high savings in combination with functional enhancements. The previously used K20 gateway series lacked a modern web server and no software update was possible on-site. Alongside the improved operating concept, this was also a crucial argument for the customer‘s conversion. Moreover, Pepperl+Fuchs has a local presence and can provide support on-site: that is a well-thought-out automation solution.

    The city of Xianyang is located on the Wei River in the Shaanxi Province of the People‘s Republic of China and has around 5 million inhabitants. The airport is the largest northwest airport in China — located around 1000 km from Beijing. Xianyang is a „high-tech industrial development zone“ of growing importance for rapid economic development.

    Increased Throughput and Reliability in Baggage Distribution

    When the capacity for passenger processing and baggage handling is no longer sufficient, something has to change. In Xi‘an, the airport has therefore been expanded to include terminal 5. In combination with PROFINET connectivity, ASi-3 was selected as the most suitable communication technology purely for baggage handling and individual baggage transport using high-speed material handling. A total of 11 check-in stations and 33 baggage handling systems with around 15 km of conveyor line were installed in the departures area. The individual baggage handling system behind the scenes has almost the same total length of 14 km and, in addition to the 16 loading stations to the aircraft, also includes buffer storage. In the arrivals area, an additional 9 km of conveyor line was installed, which serves a total of 22 baggage claim conveyors.

    The fast baggage handling system on which individual pieces of luggage whiz through the system on trays was the key improvement. To operate this system, numerous motors and switch points must be controlled and the conveyed product must be reliably identified. High-precision detection of the trays takes place via optical sensors, allowing the high-performance RFID readers to be triggered to perform a clear reading. Trays with dropped or defective tags can be detected immediately and reliably. By identifying the tray, the route to the baggage claim conveyor or the departure gate is defined and the switch points can be controlled accordingly. In addition, error-free localization always provides full transparency of the baggage in the system. The reasons for choosing the system were: a continuous baggage process, high availability, extremely high reliability, high-speed transport, pieces of luggage in individual containers, protection against damage to the transported goods, and uninterrupted transport.

    Communication via ASi-3

    Along the line, powerful motors and frequency inverters are used, which generate interference fields in the MHz range. That is why the proven and robust ASi-3 system with 3 V signal level and 167 kHz carrier frequency was the ideal choice. The interference bands of the frequency inverters are in the MHz range and therefore well above the ASi-3 communication. The ASi-3 communication has been tried and tested and offers unrivaled robustness.

    The Heart of the ASi-3 System

    The K20 stainless steel gateways had significant supply problems in 2022, some of which still exist. Pepperl+Fuchs has managed to make a significantly improved successor solution available quickly. The KE5 ASi-3 gateway is available immediately from stock with all approvals, such as cULus, PNO, and ODVA.

    With a width of only 38 mm, the space requirement of the gateway in the control cabinet is reduced by 55% and there is no lateral clearance required, which is often the case with other manufacturers.

    The front spring terminals allow the connection to be established without tools and the terminals are ideally positioned for access. Bridged terminals deliver a full 8 A without the total current having to be routed through the gateway. In this respect, not only 4 A but also full 2 x 8 A are now available for all variants — compliant with UL.

    A Large-Scale Project

    In terminal 5, the KE5 ASi-3 gateways control around 4000 material handling motors. Thousands of ASi-3 modules and many more sensors are in use, making this a large-scale project.

    Therefore, diagnostics and preventive maintenance in particular are extremely important. For this purpose, the motor currents and their temperature are cyclically reported to the gateway via ASi-3. In addition to the process data for controlling the system, the innovative KE5 gateway can simultaneously send diagnostic data via the Ethernet network to a central control system via REST API. There, all data sets are evaluated using artificial intelligence (AI). Deviations from normal behavior are detected before the failure of a motor and therefore an entire conveyor line.

    The universal REST API interface has little data overhead and is ideal for IIoT connections and „machine-to-machine“ communication. Customers can freely implement their own solutions.

    Most ASi gateways are only approved up to an altitude of 2000 m, so it is good to know that the KE5 ASi-3 gateway can even be used at altitudes up to 5000 m. The even larger airport in Kunming in the south of China is located at 2106 m above sea level, and Lima airport in Peru even reaches 3840 m above sea level. It is therefore good that the engineers at Pepperl+Fuchs created the new design with optimal insulation distances.

    Easy to Use via Cell Phone

    Nowadays, everyone is used to controlling devices via a mobile app. So why keep an unnecessarily expensive display installed in the gateway when you already have a phone in your hand? We have made it simple and our airport customers are happy, since there is no need to get down on their knees or bend over into a dark control cabinet to read the gateway information. The innovative web server displays all information in color, in high resolution, with graphical images at the best reading distance. It could hardly be better than this. This is a significant step forward compared to 4-line monochrome displays and nested menu structures.

    Often, the display is only required to parameterize and set up the gateway. That‘s why it makes no sense nowadays to integrate more displays into any device, and our airport customer is delighted with the price advantage.

    Our WEB SERVER is state-of-the-art and offers:

    • Clear presentation

    • Intuitive operation

    • Clear diagnostic messages

    • A design compliant with the current security policy

    No special parameterization software needs to be installed, an existing browser is sufficient.

    Basic operation is still possible on the actual KE5 gateway:

    • The configuration can be adopted via SD card slot

    • The ASi segment diagnostics indicator is permanently available via the status LEDs

    • Ethernet communication is indicated by LEDs

    • The operating state can be changed using the green push button

    The Application Determines the Technology

    For this reason, it is good that Pepperl+Fuchs has positioned itself flexibly and can offer many higher-level interfaces. At the forefront are PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, EtherCAT, CAN, and CC-Link IE, which are supported by us.

    For subordinate systems, we have serial solutions, ASi 3 solutions, and IO-Link solutions. We also supply wireless connections for specific applications.

    In terms of ASi-3, we will continue to develop our product range in the future. Especially with our own KE5 ASi gateway, we can offer additional functions — taking Xi‘an airport as an example — that enable us to make drive control more cost-effective, reliable, and powerful. ASi-3 is an undisputed standard in widely distributed material handling. That is automation done right; automation solved with a holistic approach. No matter which solution comes into play, worldwide support from Pepperl+Fuchs is always guaranteed.

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