ASTM Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE)

1850 M Street NW
Suite 1030
Washington DC,  DC  20036

United States
  • Booth: 2113

The ASTM International Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (AM CoE) is a collaborative partnership among ASTM—and its 38,000 members—and representatives from government, academia, and industry aimed at accelerating the development of AM standards and related education and technical services to support rapid development and widespread adoption of robust, game-changing technologies.

  • conduct strategic R&D programs to advance standards across all aspects of additive manufacturing (AM)
  • leading provider of AM education and workforce development, offering general and role-based certificate training programs and annual conference and specialty themed workshops (including customized offerings)
  • over 50+ extensive laboratory proficiency testing programs (e.g., AMPM Powder Testing)
  • AM qualification and certification programs (e.g., facility safety, process, etc.)
  • operate Industry Consortium creating best-practices for materials data generation and developing a high-pedigree materials database for member use
  • offer range of business and technical advisory services supporting AM implementation globally

For more information, please visit

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