Ergonomic standing and kneeling protection.
It has now been nearly 25 years since Working Concepts, Inc. was founded. Since then, we have headed down the road of producing sensible, high quality ergonomic solutions for workers who must kneel or stand. We are a small, but growing, company that focuses on product development, fulfillment and marketing. Most of our production is done here in Oregon. We hope there is a product or two that fits your needs. Rest assured we work hard to build quality and value into our products. Our Softknees No-strap Knee Pads fit into double knee work wear providing fulltime knee protection. Our Ergokneel Handy Mats provide a full inch of kneeling protection for those not wearing a double-knee pant. And for workers on production lines, or at standing workstations, our Extreme Standing Mats allow workers to stand for hours without pain in thier back, legs, and feet. As there are many different work environments, it can be difficult for our standard products to cover all these unique situations. If you have a safety need that is not clearly addressed with one of our standard products, please contact us and we will do our best to find a solution.
We design and manufacture ergonomic knee protection and standing mats. Our products are Soft Knees no strap knee pads, Ergokneel Kneeling Mats and Extreme Standing Mats for standing without pain.
Brands:SoftKnees® ErgoKneel® Extreme Standing Mats® Stop•A•Ladder®