From Intentions to Metrics: Mapping IAVM Membership Diversity

  • Room: Exhibit Floor Education Theater
Monday,July 29, 2024:5:00 PM -5:25 PM


Jill Schinberg
Associate Professor


At the beginning of 2022 in an issue of Venue Professional Magazine, CEO Brad Mayne called for our openness to diversity, equity, and inclusion; he emphasized the need for empirical data to measure our success. The following year, IAVM partnered with researchers at the University of Kentucky to conduct a longitudinal study (2023-2035) to measure and track the diversity of the membership. This project was designed to help IAVM understand the diverse perspectives, experiences, and identities of its members and ultimately aid in better serving the membership. In this session, the principal investigator of the study will share the preliminary results from the 2023 (baseline) survey.

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